The annual general assembly of The International Equestrian Federation (FEI) was held on April 30-May 1 1998 in Hong Kong in the invitation of the Hong Kong Horse Society and the Hong Kong Jockey Club.
In connection with the general assembly, both the bureau and the executive board met twice. The events were extremely well organized by the host federation and held in an excellent atmosphere.
63 National Federations (NF) sent their own delegate(s) while 15 more NF's were represented.
Three new countries were elected to membership: Andorra, Mongolia, and Trinidad & Tobago. On the other hand, 9 NF's had to be suspended for non-payment of their membership dues. They can be reinstated once the outstanding debt is paid.
HRH the Infanta Dona Pilar deBorbon was confirmed as President of the FEI for a second term of four years.
Freddy Serpieris (GRE) is the new 1st Vice-President replacing Professor Vittorio de Sanctis (ITA) and Tsunekazu Takuda (JPN) is the new 2nd Vice-President replacing Noel Vanososte (VEN).
The following new Bureau members were elected, all by acclamation:
Group II: Franke Schreve (NED) replacing Richard Meade.
Group V: Leopoldo Palacios (VEN) replacing Noel Vanososte.
Group VI: Manuel Rodriguez Velis (CHI) replacing Jorge Gerdau Johannpeter.
Veterinary Committee: Professor Leo Jeffcott (GBR) replacing Peter Cronau.
Endurance Committee: Hallvard Sommerseth (NOR) replacing Professor Vittorio de Sanctis.
The new Committee members are:
Jumping: Jan-Willem Koemer (NED)
Dressage: Dr Reiner Klimke (GER) and Mariette Withages (BEL)
Eventing: Capt. Jose Luis Ortelli (ARG) and Wayne Roycroft (AUS)
Driving: Werner Ulrich (SUI)
Endurance: Carol Bunting (GBR) and Jerry R Gillespie (USA)
Finance: Howard B Simpson (USA)
Judicial: Francis Michielsens (BEL)
Vaulting: Elzbieta Dolinska (POL) and Axel Weiln (SWE)
Pony: Ferdi-Joergen Wassemeyer (GER)
The General Assembly confirmed the following advertising permitted on riders or carriages:
80 cm 2 on breast pocket of jacket
16 cm 2 on shirt collar
200 cm 2 on top garment during Cross Country
2500 cm 2 on carriages
At all events except at the Olympic Games the horses may be of a different nation from the rider.
There will be, during a two-year trial period, no more appeal Committees at lower level events in Eventing (one and two star events) and Driving.
The following rule changes were confirmed to come into effect by January 1, 1999:
Once the bell has sounded the rider has 45 seconds to cross the starting line:
Showing the horses an obstacle is allowed.
At Nations Cup competitions, Championships and Games, there will be a difference between a rider falling and a horse falling. Every fall of a horse entails eliminations while the first fall of the rider only entails 8 penalty points. The second fall of the rider also means elimination.
A working Group chaired by the President of the Jumping Committee will study the proposal for a geographical League system in the Nation's Cup. Riders, Sponsors, Organizers, NF's and The FEI Secretariat will be represented in the working Group.
A shorter Grand Prix is allowed as alternative at European indoor events. A three star system is being introduced for CDI's.
Three Day Event
The following penalties will be in effect as of January 1999: 1st refusal: 40 penalties instead of 20 2nd refusal: 80 penalties instead of 40 Fall: 120 penalties instead of 60
With the welfare of the referee in mind, referees are no longer permitted on carriages during Phase H that is now free pace.
The 1998 Final of the Children series will take place in January 1999 in Tokyo.
Professor Vittori deSanctis reported on talks he had with IOC Members on the inclusion of Endurance in the Olympic Games.
The introduction of the horse's score has been beneficial for the Sport. There is an increased interest for Vaulting in South America.
World Cups
In view of the facts that the structures of the two World Cups Jumping and Dressage has matured and the rules work well, the Bureau decided to dissolve, for the time being, the two World Cup Committees Jumping and Dressage. They may be reinstated once a new global sponsor has been found. Instead, a small working group is established with the World Cup director and representatives of the FEI Secretariat, the riders and the organizers as members.
In regard to administration of re-hydration fluids and electrolytes to competition horses, a rule addition was accepted, enabling sampling this type of medication for forensic analyses.
Mr. James (International League for the Protection of Horses) alerted the Assembly to the fate of working horses worldwide. This category of horses often suffers from neglect and malnutrition.
Judicial matters
There were 45 positive medication cases in 1997. But one third of the cases (15) involved contamination of feed and 18% (9) involved contamination of the environment.
PR and Press Relations
The FEI Internet site is now open. Website address:http://www.horsesport.org.
World Equestrian Games and World Championship 1998
Both the organizers of The WEG in Rome and the World Endurance Championships in the United Arab Emirates gave a presentation on their preparation. The NF of the UAE then hosted the farewell cocktail and buffet lunch. there is a large interest in The World Endurance Championship and approximately 40 countries have indicated their willingness to participate in the UAE
Development Workshop
A development workshop involving all delegates was held in the framework of the General Assembly. It was agreed that in order to achieve a more global sport we have to realize that development at all levels is a joint venture between developed and less developed countries. The FEI is to coordinate such development with a concentration on youth programs.
Open Forum
A well-attended and lively Forum dealt with TV, Strategic Planning and the Three-Day Event.
The financial year 1997 of The FEI showed a profit of CHF 745'700 as compared to a budgeted profit of CHF 112'000. There were considerable savings, but also more income from dividends and foreign exchange rate.
Sports Development
The FEI decided to allocate CHF 250'000 to a newly created Development Fund.
The FEI adopted a Code of Conduct towards the environment.
Outgoing Vice-Presidents, Professor Vittorio deSanctis and Noel Vanososte were made Honorary Vice-Presidents.
The FEI looks forward to the next FEI General Assembly, April 20-21 1999 in Doha, Qatar.