At the first German selection show for the 1999 European Championships in Bad Salzuflen, national dressage champion Isabell Werth led (average 83.14%) in the Grand Prix, Speciale and Kur with her top horse Nissan Gigolo FRH.
This succes will spare Gigolo from the next trial at the German Dressage Championships in Verden. Isabell will there present her Hannoverian gelding Anthony FRH (by Argument/Trak).
Nadine Capellmann-Biffar entered a sole rider two Grand Prix horses in Bad Salzuflen. The inexperienced Farbenfroh (Westfalian by Freudentanzer) moved with great impression through the ring and settled himself on a second position in the Grand Prix; with Gracioso she came in second in the Speciale and Kur (78.87%).
Ulla Salzgeber and Rusty made a hesitating start in the Grand Prix (6th), but moved to place 3 in the other two tests. This achievement will probably secure her of a place in the German dressage team.
Fifth contestant for a team spot was Jurgen Wirths. His mount Souveran showed consistent scores, nevertheless the fresh combination Alexandra Simons-De Ridder and Chacomo scored a few points higher throughout the show.
Keep updated with the selection procedures of each country for the 1999 European Championships, which will be covered live by Junior Riders and Horsesdaily.
More German Equestrian News can be found at the Reiter Revue Website
Related Link: 1999 European Dressage Championships