One of the most exciting breeding stallions in the world, Blue Hors Don Schufro, will no longer be available for the 2002 Breeding season. Beginning May, the stallion was operated on a "groinfracture" (ingenual hernia).
One testicle has been removed and it will take Don Schufro a long time to recouperate from heavy surgery. Don Schufro is absolutely a highlight in the world collection of breeding sires. Trained and shown by Lars Petersen at Prix St Georges level, Don Schufro is destined to be more than just a foundation sire. Blue Hors Cavan, Blue Hors stud's former number one stallion, experienced the same injury in 2000 and had to be fully castrated back then.
Don Schufro is by Donnerhall - the world's most winning dressage stallion. He has innumerable Grand Prix victories behind him. We have seen him win the Volvo World Cup, Vilhemsborg 1996. Moreover he has achieved a number of brilliant placings - among others winner of the German Dressage Derby and Winner of the Team Gold and individual bronze at the World Championships in Den Haag in 1994. Donnerhall has won more than 2 million DK. He is the sire of more than 30 selected sons and in 1997 he was selected Sire of the Year in Germany.
Don Schufro is out of Fiesta - a full sister to fantasia, the dam of Don Primero (by Donnerhall), who won the Brundeschampionat 1990" with an average of 9.3. Fiesta is by the sire Pik Bube I - an international dressage sire with 11 victories in S-dressage, all in one season. The great grandfather Unkenruf (by Donauwin) has also won Grand Prix dressage. From the dam's side (Vornholtzer Hauplinie der Finlanerin) come several sires and internationally known horses, among others Granulit (by Grannus) "Hauptpramiesieger" in Oldenburg 1996. His first crop of foals are showing enormous potential.
In 1999 Don Schufro has competed at advanced and Prix St. George level, where he won all his four starts with over 70%. Don Schufro has from his first crop of foals in Germany got a selected son in the Oldenburg studbook. In Denmark in 1999 the Foal of the Year was by Don Schufro. At the 2002 Spring Elite auction in Vechta, the highest selling horse Der Euro (300,000 €) is by Don Schufro.
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Blue Hors Cavan Castrated
Partial Text Source: Catago