The troubles between Olympic Ferro's owners, Jan Lamers and Adriaan van der Goor, and rider Coby van Baalen continue.
After the court decision that Ferro had to stay in training in with Coby van Baalen even though the owners claimed that their stallion was no longer healthy enough for competition, Olympic Ferro has been vet checked by two independent veterinaries upon request of the owners.
"It was on request of Lamers and Van der Goor," Coby van Baalen explained. "I have nothing to fear so it didn't matter which vets would be chosen for the check up."
Doctors Welling and Van Ooyen were appointed for this delicate vet check. Based upon the results of the test, an agreement will be reached between the owners, the rider and the Dutch Equestrian Federation.
Source: Hoefslag
Image copyrighted: Dirk Caremans
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