Sven and Gonnelien Rothenberger-Gordijn's former Dutch team Grand Prix horse Olympic Bo has become a mother to a series of foals. The Dutch warmblood registered mare, who was purchased by Mr Gordijn
from Sjef Janssen, is by Rinaldo x Komeet and has been covered five times for embrytransplantation.
Stationed at Gordijn's barn De Ijzeren Man in The netherlands, three of Bo's foster dams have given birth to Bo's foals. One foal is by the 1999 Oldenburg licensing champion Royal Dance (Rohdiamant x Donnerhall), the two others are by the 2000 Westfalian Licensing Champion Future (Florestan x Apart) who is owned by De Ijzeren Man.
Two more Bo foals are expected to be born. One is by Future, the other by the Dutch stallion Haarlem (Voltaire x Irco Polo).
Source: De Hoefslag
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