Gestion Stock Brokers have announced to end their sponsorship of Anky van Grunsven and the Gestion Dressage Team. Gestion CEO Ad Strating has decided not to renew the contract after the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens.
Gestion was not only head sponsor of Anky van Grunsven, but also financially supported Arjen Teeuwissen, Ellen Bontje and Imke Bartels. Furthermore, Gestion invested money in new dressage horses. However, after eight years of being the pumping financial heart of the Dutch dressage sport, they call it quit.
Sjef Jansen told Dutch equestrian magazine that, "we are happy that the family Strating has supported us so many years. Many Gestion Team members will not fall into a black hole, but Anky still has many subsponsors. Of course, she will miss Gestion as head sponsor. Many new people have already expressed their interest in sponsoring her, but no concrete agreements have been made so far."
Although not officially confirmed, a reason for Gestion to resign their sponsorship can be the pending law suit between Van Grunsven and Henk Van Aalderen about the sale of the unexpectedly deceased Gestion Idool. Henk's cousin Henk Van Aalderen (same name) is member of the Gestion Board of Directors. Ad Strating is considered one of the richest Dutchmen. In 1997 his fortune was estimated at 115 million Euro with 10% of stocks in the outlet store Bijenkorf.
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