The German Equestrian Federation has announced the German junior and young riders team that will compete at the 2004 European Junior/Young Riders Championships in Aarhus, Denmark, July 22 - 25, 2004
. After the final selection trial in Neubeeren, Germany, the FN selected the following teams to go to Denmark:
The junior riders team will consist of: Kristina Sprehe with Rose Noire and Wyoming, Clarissa Anna Klemp with Wyatt Earp, Kathleen Keller with Florestan and Stephanie Schulz with Alkaccini. Reserve rider will be Carlotta Söffing with Alexander der Große
The young riders team will consist of: Dirk Viebrock with Muchacho, Benjamin Werndl with Duke and Sam, Jessica Werndl with Bonito and Duchess and Rania-Stephanie Wipprecht with Welden. The reserve young rider is Kristina Spaniol with Dienna.
Image copyrighted: Astrid Appels/Eurodressage - no reproduction allowed
Coverage of the 2004 European Junior/Young Riders Championships