The Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) will hold its 2005 General Assembly in London on the invitation of the British Equestrian Federation. No less than 300 participants, representing the 133 National Federations (NFs) affiliated to the FEI
, riders, event organisers, the International League for the Protection of Horses (ILPH), the International Paralympic Equestrian Committee (IPEC), equestrian media, the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA), Olympic Solidarity and sponsors are expected to convene at the Grange City Hotel from 6 through 10 April 2005.
Some 25 meetings, such as an FEI Bureau meeting or meetings between the nine geographical groups will take place along with the General Assembly. This is the first time since 1986 that the British capital will host an FEI meeting of this scope. The current FEI President is HRH The Infanta Doña Pilar de Borbón of Spain, who will be chairing the London meetings. HRH The Duke of Edinburgh and HRH The Princess Royal are the organisation’s Honorary Presidents.
The FEI General Assembly meets to approve the agenda items within the functions and powers granted according to the Statutes, e.g. reports on elections, affiliations, budget, changes of statutes and regulations, proposals.
The Bureau Meeting consists of preparation of matters and decisions to be taken at the General Assembly and control of their implementation. The Bureau, composed of the chairmen of the FEI technical committees and geographical groups, is responsible for the general direction of the FEI and for all relevant matters not reserved to the General Assembly or to other bodies established under the Statutes.
Group Meetings are exchange of views between NFs and Chairmen of Geographical Groups I to IX about structure, development guidelines, courses, seminars, support for shows, etc.
Over the last few years, the FEI has made very significant efforts in the field of sports development. To examine the progress made and further discuss the needs of developing NFs, various workshops had been held at previous General Assemblies. As the experience has proven hugely successful, similar gatherings will also be organised in London.
A Forum will also be held, at which the recently appointed FEI Task Force on Doping and Medication Policy will present its conclusions and discuss them with the participants.
More information and detailed programme of the meeting will be posted shortly on the FEI website www.horsesport.org.
Photo copyrighted: Dirk Caremans
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