By the time Louise Nathhorst's demo ride was over, the discussions on the topics of pirouettes, piaffe passage and flying changes were animated, but the forum had gradually turned into a static, one-way debate between the judges. The demonstrations became trivial (most of the riders were walking their horse) and the audience in the stands was not involved in any of the discussions. The Freestyle forum started to look like a judges' clinic held for and by the judges and restricted to their idiosyncratic verbiage.
It was Danish rider Fie Skarsoe who finally injected some dynamic into the forum by asking the audience to help her pick music for her new Grand Prix horse Monteverdi TSF. The black Trakehner licensed stallion Monteverdi (by Partout) is owned by Gestut Wiesenhof and trained by Skarsoe under the supervision of Belgian Jan Bemelmans. "Monteverdi is a very willing horse and we have a lot of fun working with him," said Bemelmans.
Skarsoe had already created a choreography, which she showed to the public at the forum. It was a difficult test for a 9-year old horse but it highlighted Monteverdi's forté, the piaffe and passage.
Stephan Krawczyk then entered the ring and let the audience pick music for the walk, trot, canter and piaffe/passage. To each movement, three genres of music were played and the audience had to signal which music fitted Monteverdi best. There was a choice between classical music, pop music and some instrumental ding dong. Each time it was very obvious that the pop music worked best for the combination and the audience showed their enthusiasm for that tune by nodding.
Krawczyk mentioned that such a young, attractive combination (both rider and horse) should go for music that fits their style. He also gave some excellent tips for designing a freestyle. In the canter one has to look at the inner foreleg to make the rhythm of the music match that of the horse and use canter half passes to make sure the music fits.
Text and Images Copyrighted Astrid Appels/Eurodressage.com - No Reproduction allowed without explicit permission