Anky Van Grunsven (NED) leads the FEI BCM World Dressage Riders Rankings with an unchanged score of 79.498 points, almost 3 points ahead of her runner-up Debbie McDonald (USA), at 76.734.
There are no less than 6 nationalities represented in the World Top Ten of the discipline.
The most impressive move within the Top Ten is the jump of Edward Gal (NED), who grabbed the 4th place thanks to his victory at the FEI World Cup Dressage qualifier in Amsterdam, where he won the Grand Prix with 74.041% and the Kür with 81.6% on Lingh. He was only 10th at the end of 2004.
Jan Brink (SWE) enters the Top Ten this month thanks to his remarkable performance in Amsterdam.
Image copyrighted: Dirk Caremans
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