The FEI Veterinary Committee and Dressage Committee have received several questions with regard to the issue of training methods in Dressage, specifically referring to overbending during the warm-up.
The use of overbending (Rollkur) in the warm-up for Dressage is a controversial issue for the FEI. The Dressage and Veterinary Committees are aware of the importance of this matter and are undertaking a detailed review of the practice and any possible implications for horse welfare.
This review will be followed up by a Workshop with invited participants at the next FEI Veterinary Committee meeting in Lausanne on January 31, 2006. The discussions at this meeting will involve veterinarians, scientists, riders, trainers and officials and will consider the future use of this practice in FEI competitions.
Photo copyrighted: Dirk Caremans
Source: FEI Press Release
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