German Dressage News

The German Equestrian Federation announced the combinations which are submitted into the A- and B-teams for the 2007 show season.
Based on the performances of these riders the upcoming months, a combiantion can move up or down in the team, or drop out in case a horse gets sold or injured for a long time.
German Grand Prix A-team
- Capellmann Nadine - Elvis
- Husenbeth Klaus - Piccolino
- Kemmer Heike - Bonaparte
- Linsenhoff Ann Kathrin - Wahajama-Unicef, Sterntaler
- Schaudt Martin - Weltall VA
- Schmidt Hubertus - Wansuela suerte, Forest Gump
- Schulten-Baumer Ellen - Lesotho, Donatha S
- Werth Isabell - Satchmo, Warum Nicht
German Grand Prix B1-team
- Hannöver-Sternberg Martina - Ratino H, Inara
- Hilberath Jonny - Fariano
- Koppelmann Carola - Le Bo
- Lebek Susanne - Healeys Beluga, Potomac
- Plönzke Anja - Tannenhof's Solero TSF
- Rosenbauer Falk - Jamiro Rosso
- Vetters Jochen - Fanano
- Wittig Wolfram - Breitling W
- Zeilinger Rudolf - Franziskus, Festival
- Zierer Ludwig - Weltino, Delikat
German Grand Prix B2-Team
- Bolz Sonja - Cockney (pictured)
- Garayhi Sarah - Scarlatti
- Hermelink Anja - Donjour, Patmos
- Lüttgen Anna-Katharina - Duvalier
- Rath Matthias-Alexander - Renoir-Unicef
- Salzgeber Ulla - Piet
- Simons-de Ridder Alexandra - Wellington
- Stankus Falk - Lancelot
- Werndl Benjamin - Sam
- Werndl Jessica - Duchess, Duke
German Young Riders C-Team
- Kampmeyer Friederike - Walky Talky
- Konzag Bastian - Water World
- Schütte Christin - Hohenstaufen
- Wahler Theresa - Ray of light
German Junior Riders D-Team
- Keller Kathleen - Florestan , Wonder FRH
- Kirschner Felicitas - Pollay
- Lütkemeier Fabienne - Bouton
- Maurer Miriam - Quickfire
- Michalke Victoria - Rubioso N, Bonito
- Söffing Carlotta - E-Mail
- Teichert Lena - Dynamik
German Pony Riders D/C-Team
- Fricke Adrian - Velica
- Licinio Miriam - FS Don´t Worry
- Lüttgen Louisa - Dornik, Pan Tau B
- Rothenberger Sanneke - Konrad, Domino Dancing, Dino P
- Rothenberger Sönke - Deinhard B, Wimbledon
Photo copyrighted: Barbara Schnell
Related Links
2006 German Youth Riders Announced
2006 German Dressage Championships