Next weekend, the first outdoor show of the 2007 show season will take place. The CDI/CSI Hagen, also known as Horses é& Dreams, is an equestrian festival that opens this exciting season for participators, friends and lovers of riding from all over the world.
Hosted at Hof Kasselmann in Hagen, Germany, Horses & Dreams is a unique combination of equestrian competition and lifestyle.
The Riders Tour, the annual Performance Sales International Auction and the European Dressage Championships 2005 are just a small selection from the record of success that Ullrich Kasselmann and Paul Schockomoehle have built up. These two ‘horse maniacs’ invite you again this year to an international equestrian festival of the most exceptional nature:
Experience from 28th April to 1st May an event that will once more transport you to far-off, exotic regions of the world. Top-class sport and lifestyle of an extra-special kind - that is the winning combination that Horses & Dreams delivers. This year, Horses & Dreams celebrates China due to the upcoming 2008 Olympic Games in that country.
Horses & Dreams will take you on a journey to the ‘continent of smiles’. Let yourself be dazzled by the far-eastern culture China boasts. Fascination and a colourful intoxication await you, live, at the foot of the Teutoburger Forest. Visitors will be brought under the spell not only of the many aromas and delicacies, but also of the people and bodies who promise breath-taking entertainment: an Asiatic lake on lampions, dragons, pagodas and intimate sales booths wait, bursting with rarities and curiosities.
Of course, equestrian sport will be the main attraction of the show. Besides international classes in dressage and show jumping, it will also host the first selection trial of the KHM Upcoming Grand Prix Class.
More info on the show at: www.psi-events.de
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