Xavier Libbrecht and Hanfried Haring have been proclaimed honorary members of the WBFSH at the 2008 General Assembly in Lyon, France. Libbrecht was one of the visionaries who saw the need for an organisation representing the World’s sport horse studbooks.
He worked tirelessly over many years to achieve this mission. He met and talked with and encouraged and convinced many people, who could make this happen, that it was a good idea. And eventually it happened and the World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses became a reality.
Of course many other people were involved but those who were around at that time freely admit that Xavier was one of the most enthusiastic and committed persons to achieving the goal of a WBFSH.
When the WBFSH was set up Xavier was very helpful and supportive of the organisation, particularly in the public relation and press areas and played an important role in getting the new organisation known and accepted throughout the sport horse community worldwide.
Xavier is very worthy of the honour of being elected an Honorary Member of the World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses. He clearly meets the requirements for such in our statutes which say:
“The GA may grant a natural person the title of Honorary Member for meritorious achievements in promoting the development of sport horses in general and / or for the WBFSH in particular”.
Hanfried Haring was also one of those who greatly contributed to the setting of the WBFSH. He was a strong advocate of the idea and played a leading role in getting the German studbooks to buy into the idea and fully participate in the new organisation.
Hanfried has had a long and distinguished career in the sport horse industry. He has played a leading role in its development not only in Germany but worldwide. His wise council and advice has been sought widely and by many people and has been willingly given. He has been involved in both breeding and sport and has had many years of close association with the FEI.
Hanfried is very worthy of the Honorary Membership of the WBFS for his meritorious achievements in promoting the development of sport horses worldwide and he has been very active in bridging the gab between breeding and sport.
Photo copyrighted: Ridehesten.com
Related Link
President’s Report of the 2008 World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses Assembly