One of the foremost judges of dressage, Dr Dieter Schüle from Germany, will be engaged in the management of the Swedish Dressage Elite which has been initiated with the German top trainer and member of the country’s riding team, Hubertus Schmidt.
As O-judge, Dieter Schüle has been involved in many international championships including the 2006 World Equestrian Games in Aachen. He is one of the few judges who are educating future international dressage judges. The Swedish chef d’equipe Bo Jenå underlines the importance of Dieter Schüle helping out Swedish horses and riders to test ride properly.
Per Lundberg, president of the Swedish Dressage Committee, is looking forward toward this top level education which now will be executed through the cooperation with Hubertus Schmidt and Dieter Schüle. A cooperation which also will support the chef d’equipe in the search of new talents.
The Swedish training program for dressage riders seems to be very attractive. Hubertus Schmidt is a worldwide respected trainer and his knowledge and experience as rider as well as trainer will stimulate the Swedish team.
"Bo Jena's idea to emphasize test riding in the training will be a good basis for the discussions between trainers, riders and judges," Schüle commented. "Besides that, I will very much enjoy to support the chef d´equipe in the search of new talents."
Sweden is among the highest ranked dressage nations with team bronze at the Europeans in 2005 as well as 2007. At the Olympic Games in 2008 the team finished forth.
Related Links
Hubertus Schmidt Appointed Swedish Team Trainer
Bo Jena, New Swedish Chef d'Equipe