Sonntagskind became the overall winner of the 2009 U.S. 30-day Stallion Performance Testing at Silver Creek Farms in Broken Arrow, OK. The testing came to a conclusion on 7 March 2009 and was opent to most, if not all, sport horse registries currently operating in North America.
There have been two previous 30-Day tests held at Silver Creek Farms with the third completed this weekend. The first 70-Day test at Silver Creek will be held this fall.
Sonntagskind is a 5-year old Hanoverian stallion by Sandro Hit out of Dorucza (by Donnerhall). Bred and owned by Lucy and Jan Meyer of Royal Equus Farm, the black stallion achieved a final score of 8.19 and stayed only a 0.0.1 point ahead of second placed Woodridge Farm's Deklan (by Dauphin x Pablo).
The conclusion of the testing co-incided with an important meeting between representatives of the North American based warmblood breed societies. Silver Creek Farms recognized the need for a universal stallion licensing format comparable to the 30/70-day tests held in Germany and accepted by the FN. The American Hanoverian Society, American Holsteiner Horse Association, American Trakehner Association, Belgian Warmblood Breeding Association, Canadian Sport Horse Association, International Sporthorse Registry/Oldenburg N.A., KWPN of North America, Oldenburg Horse Breeders' Society, Rheinland Pfalz-Saar International, and Swedish Warmblood Association of North America were all represented at the meeting.
In an effort to create a dynamic, progressive and cohesive performance test, input was requested from all of the registries in attendance. The meeting was extremely productive and the collective brainstorming that occurred from some of the top representatives of sport horse breeding in North America was energizing and refreshing.
"Our hope," stated Summer Stoffel, president of Silver Creek Farms, "is to create a unified testing for all sport horse registries. The testings at Silver Creek Farms are conducted in accordance to the rules and regulations of the FN (German Equestrian Federation) and the BMELV (German Federal Ministry)." Barbara Sikkink, manager of Silver Creek Farms, went on to state, "We are tying to create a testing location that is central in North America, and that is not owned, operated or financed by any registry entity." The goal is to establish a performance test that will be recognized both in North America and allow reciprocity with the European registries.
There has been a real need to launch an alternative performance test that would replace the longer 100-Day format. Previous 100-Day tests have put North American breeders on a par with Europe in establishing us as serious sport horse breeders and have moved our breeding programs forward. With the changes made to the test in Europe, and concerns about long-term impact and injuries on young stallions, an implementation of the 30/70-test program will address those issues.
It was the unanimous decision of the representatives present that there was a need for the creation of the new North American Sport Horse Federation (NASHF). This new Federation will act as a unified voice for sport horse breeders and registries in North America. Barbara and Summer will coordinate the Federation's efforts internally and with national organizations such as the USDF and USEF. In addition to the registries present at the meeting, the American Warmblood Registry (AWR), American Warmblood Society (AWS), and Canadian Warmblood Horse Breeders Association (CWHBA) have been invited to join this new organization which collectively will represent many thousands of sport horse breeders in North America.
Stallions that completed the March 2009 testing and their final scores are as follows:
Sonntagskind, 2004 Hanoverian by Sandro Hit-Dorucza/Donnerhall.
Owner/Breeder: Royal Equus Farm. Final score 8.19.
Deklan, 2004 Hanoverian by Dauphin-EM Papagena/Pablo.
Owner: Woodridge Farm; Breeder: Marefield Meadows. Final score 8.18.
Diamond Stud, 2003 Oldenburg by Diamond Hit-Jeunesse D'or/Lavarino.
Owner: Highlife Farm; Breeder: Elisabeth Max-Theurer. Final score 8.10.
Deja Blue B, 2003 Belgian Warmblood by Ferro-Song Sung Blue B/Branco.
Owner: Rising Star Farm; Breeder: Bannockburn Farm. Final score 7.81.
Walk the Line, 2004 Oldenburg by Walk on Top-La Bonita MBF/Frohwind.
Owner: Avalon Equine; Breeder: Meadowbrook Farm. Final score 7.45.
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