Benetton Dream, Donaugold, and Lorenzio have won the Bundeschampionate qualification classes at the regional competition in Bremen-Oberneuland at the Hubertus Riding Club on May 22-24, 2009.
The five year old Dressage Horse class was huge so it was split up into two groups. Holga Finken won group 1 aboard the 2007 Bundeschampion Benetton Dream. The dark bay stallion by Brentano II x Rotspon was previously trained and competed by Ann Sophie Fiebelkorn, but Finken took over the ride in 2009. The new combination won the 5-year old dressage horse class with an 8.3. Hartwig Burfeind and Rock Brasiliano (by Riccione x Matcho AA) finished second on 8.1. Eva Möller and the black Hanoverian stallion Soliere (by Sandro Hit x Donnerhall) placed third with 8.0. Soliere was the 2008 Hanoverian Young Horse Champion and placed fifth at the 2008 Bundeschampionate. The licensed stallion is now owned by Natasha van Dijk.
In group two of the 5-year old dressage horses, Ulf Möller and the Trakehner licensed stallion Donaugold (by Distelzar x Sokrates) scored 8.4 to win the class. The chestnut stallion was the reserve licensing champion in 2007, sold to British mogul Tony Pidgley, but is now owned by P.S.I. Yvonne Reiser and Ferrero (by Florestan x Landadel) ranked second on 8.2. They were followed by the third placegetter, Julia Katharina van Platen on Jack London (by Jazz Time). They achieved 8.1.
In the 6-year old Dressage Horse class Wolfhard Witte pulled a winning move aboard the bay Hanoverian stallion Lorenzio (by Londonderry x Pik Senior). The duo scored 8.1 to finish 0.1 point ahead of Marco Bührig on Delgardo M (by Depardieu x Caprimond). Julia Katharina von Platen also finished third in the 6-year old class, this time on Donna Rubina (by Don Rubin x Vivaldi) with 7.8 points.
Photo Lorenzio - copyright: Kiki Beelitz
5-year old Dressage Horses - Group 1
- 1. Holga Finken - Benetton Dream - 8.30
- 2. Hartwig Burfeind - Rock Brasiliano - 8.10
- 3. Eva Möller - Soliere - 8.00
- 4. Nicole Deinzer - Brandon - 7.90
- 4. Esther Maruhn - Watulele - 7.90
- 6. Isabel Bache - Bergerac - 7.80
- 7. Nadine Corterier - Traversale T - 7.70
- 8. Otfried Albrecht - Wallendy - 7.50
- 8. Meike Diedrichs-Böge - Royal Dansk - 7.50
- 10. Arndt Hönke - Bocelli M - 7.40
- 11. Nele Ernst - Cuchulain - 7.30
- 12. Jan-Dirk Gießelmann - Real Dancer - 7.20
- 12. Stefanie Kerner - Royal Milvana - 7.20
5-year old Dressage Horses - Group 2
- 1. Ulf Möller - Donaugold - 8.40
- 2. Yvonne Reiser - Ferrero - 8.20
- 3. Julia-Katharina von Platen - Jack London - 8.10
- 3. Christin Schütte - Eloy - 8.10
- 5. Stefanie Kerner - Aber Hallo - 8.00
- 5. Hans-Dieter Mangelsdorf - Don Quichotte - 8.00
- 7. Steffen Frahm - Hampton - 7.90
- 8. Dora Schomerus - Flora - 7.70
- 9. Steffen Frahm - Benidetto - 7.60
- 10. Katrin Burger - Daily Diamond - 7.50
- 10. Esther Maruhn - Don Malecon - 7.50
- 10. Otfried Albrecht - Highjacker - 7.50
- 10. Ralf Hannöver - Dacota - 7.50
- 14. Juliane Brunkhorst - Fantastico - 7.40
- 14. Jessica Otten-Willers - First Class - 7.40
- 14. Katrin Burger - First Line - 7.40
- 17. Katharina Kreft - El Gardo - 7.30
- 17. Marco Bührig - Fabricius - 7.30
- 19. Stefanie Kernberger-Goeze - Delacour MW - 7.00
6-year old Dressage Horses
- 1. Wolfhard Witte - Lorenzio - 8.10
- 2. Marco Bührig - Delgardo M - 8.00
- 3. Julia-Katharina von Platen - Donna-Rubina - 7.80
- 4. Andreas Homuth - Lorello - 7.70
- 5. Kathrin Meyer zu Strohen - Wells Fargo - 7.40
- 6. Maren Müller-Wuttke - Dr. Jackson - 7.10
- 6. Dora Schomerus - Flora - .10
8. Frank Bogenschütz - Camerino B - 7.00 - 8. Kathrin Gerken - Romanero B - 7.00
- 8. Fritz Fleischmann - Frizzantino - 7.00
- 11. Regine Ohlrogge - Dust Spirit - 6.70
- 12. Michael Müller - Romanze TS - 6.60
- 13. Hartwig Burfeind - Binni Bo - 6.40
- 14. Steffen Frahm - Herzensdieb - 5.90