FEI Dressage News

The FEI Dressage Task Force had a conference call 29 July, where the progress of the work was reviewed.
- The Judging System Trial will take place in Aachen 7-9 September. The CHIO Aachen is kindly opening the premises for this. The start is after lunch 7 September. Approximately 6 different judging systems will be tested, and a large number of riders will participate. The Trial will be open for spectators, but they will only see the rides, and not be able to listen to or be part of the discussions and conclusions.
Some of the systems that will tested in Aachen will be the ice skating system, where a computer randomly deletes two scores. Another system will be dropping the high and low score. They will also experiment with different places for the judges as well as a different amount of judges. - Qualification to the Olympic Games and size of teams:
The Task Force reviewed various suggestions and combinations of these, and also the criterias established by IOC. The final proposal will be included in the report from the task force. - Selection and assessment of judges:
This must be based on as objective criterias as possible. It was emphasized that the quality of the judges has priority over the geographical needs. Today’s methods for assessment will be developed, and new feedback channels, as the foreign judges of a show, will be evaluated. - Appointment of judges for major championships:
It is suggested to have a longlist announced well ahead of the show, and a final short list (=those who are actually going to judge) approximately 3 months before. The next meeting is set to 19 August 2009.
Related Links
FEI Dressage Task Force Letter To Trainers And Riders
Dressage Task Force June Conference Call Summary
Dressage Task Force Announces Judging System Trial at Aachen