The Dressage Foundation Young Rider Olympic Dream Program is ready to go for the ninth year! The concept of the program evolved as a result of former Olympian Michael Poulin's wish to offer an opportunity for gifted American Young Riders
to enhance their understanding of dressage theory through a European tour. The program is both funded and administered by The Dressage Foundation of which Poulin is a National Board Member.
The 2010 trip is planned so as to maximize the possibility that riders who wish to participate in the North American Junior Young Rider Championship (NAJYRC) can apply. Departure will be immediately after the final selection trial for the championships, and riders will return three weeks before the championship. Tentatively these dates have been set for June 28-July 8, 2010.
The program is open to USDF Advanced Young Riders, riding at Fourth Level or above, who are 16-21 years of age. Also, 22-year-old graduates of the 2009 Advanced Young Rider Program may apply. Participation in the NAJYRC is not required.
This year's chaperone will be Ann Guptill (CT). Ann is on the faculty for USDF Instructor Certification and has been an active FEI competitor for many years. She represented the United States at the Pan American Games in 1987 and contributed to winning the team silver medal.
The current plan is to visit Ingrid Klimke, Jean Bemelmans, Hubertus Schmidt and former American team coach, Klaus Balkenhol—depending on each trainer's availability. While traveling, the young riders will record their observations in daily journals and chronicle the events with photos and video to share with their home dressage organizations.
A Selection Committee comprised of leading American dressage persons selects four candidates based on their applications including an essay and written recommendations. Committee members want to see riding proficiency and commitment to training in the sport of dressage. The 2010 applications are due April 30, 2010. Candidates are encouraged to apply early and follow directions carefully.
This program is made possible by donors to The Dressage Foundation (TDF), a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization whose mission is "To cultivate and provide financial support for the advancement of Dressage." Information on this extraordinary program is available on the TDF website: www.dressagefoundation.org or you may contact Jenny Johnson or Beth Baumert:
Jenny Johnson
The Dressage Foundation
Email: jenny@dressagefoundation.org
Beth Baumert, Administrator
Cloverlea Dressage LLC
Email: BethBmrt@aol.com
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