Party for the Animals Poses Questions on LDR in Dutch House of Commons

Mon, 08/30/2010 - 20:09
Dutch Dressage News

The equestrian website reported that Dutch political Party for the Animals (Partij voor de Dieren) will be posing questions for the Dutch House of Commons on the LDR training method.

Last week Esther Houwehand, member of the House of Commons for the Party for the Animals, handed in a written request with the Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) and the Minister of Public Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) about the application of rollkur and LDR in the Dutch dressage world.

 Ouwehand posed these questions based on the RTL Boulevard broadcast on television concerning the lawsuit of Anky van Grunsven against equestrian journalist Astrid Appels.

The Ministers of LNV and VWS will be replying to Esther Ouwehand's questions within three to six weeks. Ouwehand would like to receive replies from the ministers to the following questions:

1) Have you read the news article "Anky van Grunsven Wants to Censor Website"?

2) How do you assess the discussion about the application of hyperflexion, rollkur, and low deep and round as training methods in the Dutch dressage world?

3) Do you opine that Low, Deep and Round differs from Rollkur? If yes, please explain? Are there independent definitions and means at hand to identify the amount of power and aggression in these applied methods? If so, which are they and how is the application of these methods checked when put into practice. If no, why not?

4) Can you imagine that there is a conviction amongst different dressage experts that "Low Deep and Round" is nothing different than a new name for "Rollkur"? What is your opinion about the fact that our national dressage team applies this still controversial method?

5) Are you aware of the announcement of the emails that the Dutch dressage team trainer has been sending to the Flemmish equestrian journalist Astrid Appels?

6) Can you indicate, if there are and if so, which (unwritten) codes of conduct apply to the behaviour of Dutch team trainers? What is the policy towards appointment and dismissal of team trainers when there is talk of intimidating remarks?


Related Link
Anky van Grunsven Sues Eurodressage 
RTL Boulevard TV Broadcast on Anky Sues Eurodressage 

Layover in Chicago :: Photo © Astrid Appels