Antoinette te Riele and Angela Krooswijk were the big winners at the second qualifier of the 2010-2011 CHIO Cup for Dutch Junior and Young Riders. The second leg was held at Stable De Goubergh in Roosendaal, The Netherlands, on Sunday 30 January 2011. Te Riele and Krooswijk left no doubt that they are wielding the axe of power in their divisions.
The soon to be 17-year old Te Riele scored an impressive 71.44% aboard the Hanoverian branded mare Fleurie (by Florestan x Akzent II). She was followed by rising star Stephanie Kooijman on her powerhouse gelding Winston (by OO Seven) with 70.42%. Kooijman also captured the third spot with her second ride Westwood (by Werther's Wels) on 68.65%.
In an interview with Dutch magazine De Hoefslag, Te Riele said she was extremely pleased with her horse. "Fleurie was really responsive to my aids. She was alert and I was able to ride her well. Especially the flying changes went well and we got 8s for them. The rein back and walk pirouettes could have been better."
Angela Krooswijk and the Rhinelander licensed stallion Roman Nature did their routine job in Roosendaal and aced the class with 70.44%. Melissa Tychon and her charming Trakehner Marinetty (by Solero x Itaxerxes) were the runners-up with 69.82%. Fresh young rider Teddy Wiedeler slotted in third on Topper (by Welt Hit II) with69.74%.
"Roman Nature went really well," said Krooswijk. "I can keep him better in front of my leg. In the trot tour we scored many 8s. In canter Rommie got a bit hot for the three tempi's which is why we had a small error at the onset."
The next qualifier of the 2011 CHIO Cup is at Stable Olympic in Uden on 27 February 2011.
Junior Rider - Team Championship Test
- 1. Antoinette te Riele- Fleurie - 71,44%
- 2. Stephanie Kooyman - Winston - 70,27%
- 3. Stephanie Kooyman - Westwood - 68,65%
- 4. Justine Mudde - Roh Magic - 67,30%
- 5. Anne Meulendijks - Montecristo - 66,76%
- 6. Anne Meulendijks T- om Tom Go - 66,31%
- 7. Denise Nekeman - Ridderkerk - 66,04%
- 8. Justine Mudde - Turbo Magic - 65,86%
- 9. Jill Huijbregts - Zamacho Z - 65,50%
- 10. Jill Huijbregts - World Wide - 64,59%
- 11. Jeanine Nieuwenhuis - Hexagon's Kyrain - 64,41%
- 12. Jeanine Nieuwenhuis - Valencia - 62,61%
- 13. Stefanie Verkooijen - Talent - 62,25%
- 14. Jasmijn Linthorst - Nouveau Encore - 62,25%
- 15. Danique Schnellenberg - Twin's Jamaica - 61,71%
- 16. Nikita Raijmakers - William - 61,53%
- 17. Aimee Weise - Sportlife - 61,35%
- 18. Chiara Prijs - Michigan - 60,99%
- 19. Lana Slier - Reggea - 59,55%
- 20. Britt Baeten - Utalyn - 59,46%
- 21. Emma van der Kaaij - World Girl- 59,28%
- 22. Sammy Köpp - Ulancia - 58,56%
- 23. Stefanie Verkooijen - Anais van het Meijershof - 58,29%
- 24. Robin Simons - Bjirmen's Rinze - 58,02%
- 25. Maxime Osse - Victoria B - 57,30%
- Karlien Hatzmann - Ionus H - DNS
Young Riders - Team Championship Test
- 1. Angela Krooswijk - Roman Nature - 70,44%
- 2. Melissa Tychon - Marinetty Solero - 69,82%
- 3. Teddy Wiedeler - Topper - 69,74%
- 4. Angela Krooswijk - Revino - 68,95%
- 5. Brigit van der Drift - Twister - 68,07%
- 6. Danielle Houtvast - Rambo - 67,46%
- 7. Michelle van Lanen - Urchin B -67,11%
- 8. Machteld Hoeflake - Paso Doble - 66,14%
- 9. Kyra Klinkers - Toronto- 66,14%
- 10. Chaneequa van Dam - Ureka - 66,05%
- 11 Romy van der Schaft - Odurin - 64,65%
- 12. Hiske Geerts - Argentino - 64,39%
- 13. Lotte Jansen - Pongo - 64,12%
- 14. Romy Peijen - Rex - 63,25%
- 15. Danielle Houtvast - Sir Jazz - 63,16%
- 16. Kim Huizer - Oxford - 62,81%
- 17. Kyra Klinkers - Rubinstar - 62,19%
- 18. Melissa Tychon - Grace Kelly - 61,67%
- 19. Renate van Vliet - Nobilis - 61,58%
- 20. Joann van Essen - Napoleon - 61,49%
- 21. Lotte Jansen - Picasso - 61,32%
- 22. Carmen Kremer - Karatchi - 60,96%
- 23. Caithlin van der Ven - Viola - 57,19%
- 24 Melanie Mouthaan - Varnoldi - 55,70%
Related Links
Te Riele and Tychon Win Weert Qualifier of 2010-2011 CHIO Cup
What's Happening July 2009