“The last time I was at a press conference in Neumünster is ten years ago”, Ulla Salzgeber said smilingly. The 2004 olympic team gold medallist from Bad Wörishofen won the Grand Prix at the Holstenhallen in Neumunster, where the qualification for the eigth leg of the World Cup Dressage took place.
With her horse Herzruf’s Erbe Ulla Salzgeber got 74,80 percent and won against Isabell Werth (Rheinberg) on her Hanoverian gelding Satchmo (73,78) on second place and Hans-Peter Minderhoud (Netherlands) with Nadine (71,53) on third.
“We’ve still got a little bit of time, during the next few weeks we will work on a few things,” said Salzgeber about her ride with the Herzruf son, who had an injury in 2009 and started over in show season 2010.
“Isabell wants to try and qualify with El Santo NRW as well as with Satchmo to be able to chose which horse she will ride at the World Cup Final in Leipzig,” Werth's sponsor Madeleine Winter-Schulze explained. Winter-Schulze also sponsored the Grand Prix class and is the owner of “Satchie”. Also Werth's third Grand Prix horse Warum Nicht will compete during the World Cup season for this reason. At the moment Salzgeber and Werth are both leading the ranking of the season for the World Cup Final.
For Hans-Peter Minderhoud his start was a first at Neumünster Holstenhalle. “It is really something special; the audience is sitting high above and the side fence is very high – so my mare was a little intimidated at the beginning. But then she competed well.”
The Dane Nathalie zu Sayn-Wittgenstein with her Donnerhall son Digby placed fourth and Helen Langehanenberg (Havixbeck) came in fifth with her 11-year old stallion Damon Hill NRW. Langehanenberg is the third German candidate for the World Cup Final in Leipzig (27. April – 01. May).
The World Cup freestyle, which was presented by the VR Bank Neumünster and the Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall will begin on Sunday at 09:55 o’clock.
Related Links
Scores 2011 CDI-W Neumunster
Eurodressage Coverage of the 2011 World Cup Finals