Actor, writer and horse-owner Martin Clunes has been named as President-designate of The British Horse Society. He will take up the reins when current President, Desi Dillingham MBE, steps down at the end of her extended term of office on 1 June.
Already known to millions from his stage and screen appearances, including ‘Men Behaving Badly’, ‘Reggie Perrin’ and ‘Doc Martin’, his 2010 ITV documentary series “Horsepower” revealed Martin’s passion for horses. He keeps twelve of them on his farm and regularly rides his favourite horse, a huge Hanoverian called Chester. His wife Philippa and daughter Emily are accomplished riders, too.
Speaking of his impending appointment, Martin said: “Goodness knows how I am expected to follow Desi. ‘Larger than life’ is a cliché but it is well-known that, when she left her native Canada, the country teetered on the brink for some time. In fact, I think it still teeters occasionally, mostly at weekends and on public holidays, when it recollects the talent it so carelessly allowed to escape to the UK.
“It is an enormous honour to be asked to serve the BHS as its next President. I have so much to learn and with the Society changing so much in recent years I hope that we can grow together, capitalising on the vitality, enthusiasm and passion of its membership. Animal welfare is a passion of mine and I am really looking forward to working with the BHS and all its members to retain the momentum for liveliness and continuous improvement, without losing the Society’s prized reputation for promoting the very highest standards.
“Every time we learn of another horse which has suffered at man’s hands we realise how essential – and urgent – is the welfare work of the BHS. If, when I become President, I can help the Society alleviate the suffering of a single horse whose trust has been betrayed by humans, then I will have done some good. If tens of thousands of people join me, that good will be magnified.
“Above all, I hope I can help spread something of the joy which comes from associating with horses to those, especially the young, who otherwise would never make their acquaintance. We all delight in our horses and we all should spread a little of that delight to as many people as possible.”
BHS Chairman, Dr Phil Wadey, said: “I realised, from the moment I met Martin and Philippa at the BHS Royal International Horse Show last July, that he was the best ambassador the horse world didn’t yet have. So of course I was delighted when he agreed to become our next President.
“Having worked so hard in recent years to modernise the society and refresh its image, it was encouraging for Trustees to have identified a future President whose enthusiasm and commitment so closely matches our own.”
Dr Wadey also paid a warm tribute to Desi. “Nobody ever says ‘I think I may have met Desi Dillingham’. She is one of those people who make an immediate, positive and unmissable impact, and then go on making a positive impact, day after day. We are very fortunate that the most over-worked champion of the horse in the UK continues to find time to support the BHS so energetically and to such good effect.”
Photo © ITV
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Jennie Loriston-Clarke is the New British Dressage Chairman
Emile Faurie Foundation, New Independent Partner for the BHS