French 5-star Resort Jiva Hill and its owners Virginia and Ian Lundin have become founding members of World Dressage Masters Foundation and will support the work of the WDM Foundation for the next three years by sponsoring an Under 25 competition
which will be linked to the WDM Grand Prix classes.
The WDM Foundation was established in 2010 and wants to contribute to the future development of dressage by raising money to fund its projects (e.g. research, (youth) development, welfare, internationalization, media and social). In 2011 the WDM Foundation has contributed to the research work of dr. David Stickland. He has shown the international dressage community that a lot can be learned from dressage scores by analyzing them with statistical tools. Recently WDM Foundation has initiated the use of 3D cameras together with the organisers of WDM Palm Beach to contribute to the media modernization of dressage.
Virginia and Ian Lundin have chosen to support the Youth Development project. With the support of Jiva Hill and Virginia and Ian Lundin the inaugural WDM Jiva Hill Youth Challenge for rider between 16-25 yrs will be held during WDM Munich (2-5 June). On top of that the top ranked riders of this U25 class will be invited for a specially catered program at their resort in France.
"We are so happy to be able to give something back to the sport that has given us so much pleasure in our lives," said the Lundins.
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