Dutch Future Team Renewed After Rule Review

Wed, 05/25/2011 - 12:49
Dutch Dressage News

The Dutch Equestrian Federation has announced the new combinations on the Future Team (Under 25 Grand Prix riders) after reviewing the team submittal rules this week. The Future Team riders are supported in their transition from YR level to senior Grand Prix.

Combinations selected on the Future team can participate in the Rabo Future Cup, a series of Under 25 competitions in The Netherlands held at CDI competitions (CDI-W Amsterdam, CDI-W 's Hertogenbosch, CDIO Rotterdam). The riders also receive additional support through clinics, training sessions, show guidance and have access to other top sport related events.

The Future Team selection took place in February 2011. Approximately 30 combinations rode in front of Dutch team trainer Sjef Janssen and former O-judge Jan Peeters. On that day they were able to qualify for the Future Team selection trials.

To be submitted to the Future Team riders had to score 65% three times at these trials. As of 1 April 2011 scores from Grand Prix tests at Dutch team selection trials, Intermediaire II tests and international Grand Prix classes count as well.

The current Rabo Future Team includes

  • Marrigje van Baalen - Kigali (by Wolfgang) and Kaiser Wilhelm (by Lehndorff’s)
  • Lorraine van den Brink - Murdock (by Balzflug)
  • Katja Gevers - Thriller (by Gribaldi)
  • Danielle Heijkoop - Siro (by Gribaldi)
  • Jenny Schreven - Krawall (by Focus)
  • Diederik van Silfhout - Popeye (by Havel), Ruby (by Gribaldi)

The Future Test is held in The Netherlands at least once a month at a team selection competition for seniors. The next Future Test selection day will be held in the autumn of 2011.

Photo © Astrid Appels

Related Links
Dutch Equestrian Federation Establishes "Future Team"
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