Dressage New Zealand is committed to supporting a team to compete in an Olympic Qualifying Competition in late October 2011. Nations who have expressed an interest in this competition to date are New Zealand, Japan, Australia and South Africa.
The FEI has approved that the regional qualifier for these nations can be held across two venues. Australia & NZL are currently working with the FEI regarding organisation of the Oceania leg, which subject to availability of judges, will be held in conjunction with the CDIW at the Australian Championships in Sydney from 28 – 30 October. However, should this not be possible for any reason, the FEI has also advised that the Oceania leg could be held in NZL on a date around that time. The European leg will be held in Holland as soon as possible the following week. NF’s are permitted to have team members at both venues (4 total per NF team across both venues)
Although confirmation & details are not yet fully available, Dressage NZ seeks expressions of interest from riders who are committed to this team competition and being part of a support programme and selection process leading up to the team competition. If the Qualifier is held in Australia, team riders will be required to partially self fund the tour to approximately $6,000 each.
Dressage NZ will also partly support the tour financially but is also responsible for a share of the cost of the international ground jury. This cost to riders is still considerably less than a fully self-funded tour which is usually about $15,000 - and what a great experience to compete against World class riders.
The Australian event will give riders the opportunity for World Ranking points, plus the chance to stay in Australia for two further events, Equitana & the Pacific League Final and the chance for more World Ranking points to qualify NZL an individual place if we do not qualify a team place.
Sydney NSW AUS 27/10/2011 30/10/2011 CDI-W
Sydney NSW AUS 11/11/2011 12/11/2011 CDI-W
Werribee VIC AUS 08/12/2011 11/12/2011 CDI-W LF
NZL based riders who commit to this exciting opportunity will be expected to compete at a trial event, outdoors at Manfeild on Friday 26th August, prior to the FEI Regional Dressage Forum on 27/28 August. Jeremy Steinberg, USEF Youth Coach & Grand Prix rider / trainer will be there in an advisory capacity, plus Susie Hooevenars 5* FEI judge has been secured for the day.
Additional events may also be identified that will be taken into consideration but these will not be confirmed until the nomination/entry dates, definite venues etc are known. Previous CDI and key national event results will also be considered. But commitment to a team effort is the most important factor at this point and all riders, either with current Grand Prix experience, or intending to begin campaigning at this level this season, are invited to express their commitment to be involved.
Any overseas based riders must advise Dressage NZ of their current competition form, and forward plans between now and 31st August. . dressagenz@xtra.co.nz. Any queries in the first instance to be addressed to dressagenz@xtra.co.nz
Related Links
Dressage in New Zealand: Sharon and Kallista Field
Steinberg, Guest Trainer at 2011 FEI Regional Dressage Forum in New Zealand
FEI Judges Clinic with Cara Whitham in New Zealand
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