Christo, Rausing, JJ Rayban, Isac and Hohenstaufen II became the grand winners of the 2011 Swedish Young Horse Championships held at the Swedish State Stud in Flyinge on 4 - 9 October 2011.
In the 3-year old division Pernilla Andre Hokfelt and the Holsteiner bred Christo won the championship scoring 82.400 points. Owned by Marie Bjernick, the Casiro x Linaro son referred the Oldenburg reserve licensing champion Foricello (by Florencio x Dormello) to a silver medal position. Jennie Hemmingsen rode the drop dead gorgeous liver chestnut stallion, which is bred by Georg Sieverding, to an 80.200 score. Minna Telde and Johan Ifverson's Dutch bred Dunhill (by Oscar x Cocktail) were third with 80.000.
"We actually bought Christo as a mate for Carlo, our 3-year old show jumping horse," said Bjernick. "We never thought he would be so good."
Guest Judges Turn the Tables in the 4-year old Division
The 4-year old Championship was probably the most interesting of the weekend with combinations going up and down in the ranking like yoyo's. The winners of the first round, Sandra Sterntorp and Elizabeth Ball's Westfalian stallion Rausing (by Rock Forever x Dimension), scored 85.400 points, but the Flyinge leased stallion "only" ranked fourth after the guest judge riders round. Test riders Anna Blomgren and Emmelie Scholtens scored the horse 88.500 points. His overall score of 86.950 sufficed for the Swedish National Young Horse Title.
Minna Telde and Johan Ifverson's Bobcat (by Breitling W x Silvano N) was only 8th in the first round (78.800) but scored the second highest mark (94.000) with the guest judge riders to finish second overall with 86.400 points. The 24-year old Mia Runesson and the Swedish warmblood Faustino (by Figaro R x Bernstein) were third overall (85.675) after placing second in round 1 (83.600) and fifth with the guest judges (87.750). The best scoring horse with the guest judges was Die Queen (by Dancier x Falkland) who got 94.250 points, but under Maria von Essen the mare was 12th in the first round (76.200) so finished fourth overall (85.225).
"Congratulations to a very well bred horse," said Flyinge breeding director Karl-Henrik Heimdahl about champion Rausing. "We have had the fortune to have him in the Breeding Program at Flying stud this year and we are now looking forward to seeing his foals next year."
"Rausing won today despite the fact that he was very tired," rider Sandra Sterntorp commented. "I think it's worth keeping in mind that he only has been trained for six weeks."
Double Whammy for Jan Brink
In the 5-year old division Jan Brink and Mr Hannell's Hanoverian licensed stallion JJ Rayban (by Rascalino x Londonderry) reigned with a 84.200 earning finals test. The highly decorated Grand Prix dressage rider had the young and talented Anna Svanberg right on his heels with two horses. Svanberg became reserve champion on the dark bay Swedish warmblood Tabasco (by Topaasch x Sack), scoring 83.200, and she was also third with the elegant chestnut Bellman (by Hermes x Prestige) with 82.200.
"Both horses have developed really well since Falsterbo (begin July)," Svanberg commented.
Jan Brink, who manages his dressage and breeding facility Tullstorp Stables in Hassleholm, Sweden, produced a double whammy at the Swedish Young Horse Championships by also claiming the title in the 7-year old division with the licensed breeding stallion Hohenstaufen II. Previously trained and competed by Minna Telde, the Hanoverian branded Hohenstaufen II (by Hohenstein x Langata Express xx) scored 70.088% in the finals test (Prix St Georges).
Rose Mathisen and the Dutch warmblood Zuidenwind (by OO Seven x Jazz) were good for the reserve title. The bay KWPN stallion, which is Sweden's second most used dressage breeding stallion of 2011, scored 69.561%. Jennie Larsson and the Dutch bred Zircoon Spring Flower (by Painted Black x Armstrong) slotted in third with 67.807%.
Telde on Top with Isac in 6-year old division
Minna Telde and her Swedish warmblood gelding Isac (by Hip Hop x Master) were a league of their own in the 6-year old division, scoring a baffling 90.000 points in the finals to win gold. Telde was elated with her long legged bay gelding who appeared extremely confirmed in his work.
"He has tremendous talent and could have done the Prix St Georges today," Telde said. "He's that good!" Isac is a very sensitive and spooky horse, but not in the finals' test. "Today he listened to me and it was great to finish with a good ride," said his rider and owner.
Isac is bred by Per-Christer Bengtsson and seven years ago he decided to pick show jumper Hip Hop for his Master broodmare. "People thought I did not know what I was doing when I selected Hip Hop for my mare," said the breeder, "but today there was silence."
Malin Rinné and the Swedish warmblood Zlatan M.Ge (by Riccione x Don Schufro) were the runners up with 81.200 points and they were followed in the ranking by Swedish Grand Prix rider Charlotte Haid-Bondergaard on the licensed Swedish stallion Flash Dancer I. M. (by Don Romantic x Tip-Top) with 76.800%.
Zlatan's owners Sara Milstead and Anja Andersson are tempted to sell their horse having received several offers - domestic and from abroad. "We'll see where he goes," Milstead commented. Charlotte Bondergaard was all smiles at the end of the Championships. "It's amazing to experience this at the end of the year. We have had our discussions, Flash, and I, but as they say, the tidings of love are always rough," said a happy Charlotte who is aiming for the 2016 Olympics in Rio with this horse.
Photos © David Svensson
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Results 2011 Swedish Young Horse Championships
3-year olds - Finals Test
- 1. Pernilla André Hokfelt - Christo (by Casiro - Linaro) - 82.400
- 2. Jennie Hemmingsen - Floricello (by Florencio I x Dormello) - 80.200
- 3. Minna Telde - Dunhill (by Oscar x Cocktail) - 80.000
- 4. Minna Telde - Don de Jeu (by Jazz x Jetset-D) - 79.600
- 5. Yvonne Österholm - Di Masterpiece Boy (by Dionysos x Master) - 79.200
- 6. Sandra Sterntorp - Red Devil (by Don Primero x Chirac) - 77.800
- 7. Mattias Jansson - Hernandez VH (by Hermes x Rohdiamant) - 77.400
- 8. Malin Rinné - San Corazon (by San Amour x Rohdiamant) - 75.400
- 9. Anna Svanberg - Diva (by Richfield x Silvano) - 74.400
- 10. Emilie Nyreröd -Saint Tropez (by Sandro Hit x De Niro) - 73.600
4-year olds - Qualification Round + Guest Judge Rider Round - Total
- 1. Sandra Sterntorp - Rausing (by Rock Forever - Dimension) - 85.400 - 88.500 --- 86.950
- 2. Minna Telde - Bobcat (by Breitling W x Silvano N) - 78.800 - 94.000 --- 86.400
- 3. Mia Runesson - Faustino (by Figaro R x Bernstein) - 83.600 - 87.750 --- 85.675
- 4. Maria von Essen - Die Queen (by Dancier x Falkland) - 76.200 - 94.250 --- 85.225
- 5. Jessica Andersson - Sohn der Sonne (by Sir Donnerhall x Sion) - 80.000 - 90.250 --- 85.125
- 6. Yvonne Österholm - Luxus CML (by Florencio I x Bolero) - 80.600 - 85.750 --- 83.175
- 7. Susanne Gielen - Yoshi (by Fidertanz x Show Star) - 79.800 - 85.000 --- 82.400
- 8. Anna Svanberg - Nina la Belle (by De Noir x Cortus- 79.200 - 80.750 --- 79.975
- 9. Jeanette Joelsson - Sinette (by Santana x Master) - 77.000 - 79.250 --- 78.125
- 10. Mads Hendeliowitz - Clever Hill Q (by Uphill x Havidoff) - 78.200 - 77.000 --- 77.600
- 11. Anna Svanberg - Don Love (by Don Romantic x Chapman) - 74.800 - 78.750 --- 76.775
- 12. Hanchen Ressle - Fair Play (by Farewell III x Metternich) - 80.400 - 72.750 --- 76.575
- 13. Evelina Johannisson - Braque (by Briar x Akribori) - 76.200 - 76.750 --- 76.475
- 14. Josefine Ekdahl - Bollinger (by Benvenuto x Dimaggio) - 74.800 - 77.000 --- 75.900
- 15. Susanne Gielen - Hera (by Hermes x D-Day) - 77.200 - 72.000 --- 74.600
- 16. Ida Willborg-Jonsson - Cambero (by Cairo x Amiral) - 74.800 - 71.250 --- 73.025
- 17. Jeanna Högberg - Cilantro (by Johnson x Blue Hors Hertug) - 75.600 - DNS --- 37.800
5-year olds - Finals test
- 1. Jan Brink - JJ RayBan (by Rascalino x Londonderry) - 84.200
- 2. Anna Svanberg - Tabasco (by Topaasch x Sack) - 83.200
- 3. Anna Svanberg - Bellman (by Hermes x Prestige) - 82.200
- 4. Yvonne Österholm - Bellagio (by United x Esteban) - 79.800
- 5. Jennie Larsson - Finlay (by Florestan I x Donnerhall) - 79.000
- 6. Mia Runesson - Barcelona (by Figaro R x Bernstein) - 78.400
- 7. Pernilla André Hokfelt - Bonzai (by Bocelli x Warkant) - 77.000
- 8. Olof Axelsson - De Rubina (by De Niro x Rubinstein I) - 76.400
- 9. Pernilla André Hokfelt - Beau (by Lingh x Ferro) - 76.200
- 10. Sandra Sterntorp - Smaragd (by Samarant x Don Davidoff) - 75.200
- 11. Jessica Åman Stille - Falco (by Figaro R x D-Day) - 75.000
- 12. Jessica Andersson - Lawertho (by Lord Sinclair III x Werther) - 74.600
- 13. Märit Olofsson Nääs - Strolchi (by Sancisco x Davignon II) - 74.400
- 14. AnnSofie Antonsson - Quinello T (by Quite Easy x Cortez) - 72.600
- 15. Mattias Jansson - Kalundi (by Don Schufro x Solos Carex) - 72.400
- 16. Karin Persson - Santé (by Sandakanx Chapman) - 72.000
- 17. Anncharlotte Pettersson - Latinotanz (by Fidertanz x Latimer) - 71.000
- 18. Ann Stigberg - Botell (by Bocelli x Stanford) - 70.600
- 19. Britt-Marie H-Ivarsson - Charles (by Bocelli x Chapman) - 66.800
- 20. Jennie Larsson - Nobla ER (by Nobleman x Robin) - 58.000
6-year olds - Finals test
- 1. Minna Telde - Isac (by Hip Hop x Master) - 90.000
- 2. Malin Rinné - Zlatan M.Ge (by Riccione x Don Schufro) - 81.200
- 3. Charlotte Haid-Bondergaard - Flash Dancer I. M. (by Don Romantic x Tip-Top) - 76.800
- 4. Eva Fahlbrink - Amberson (by Don Primero x Amiral) - 76.800
- 5. Jennifer Svensson - Sparkling (by Satisfaction I x Lastro) - 75.800
- 6. Gunilla Byström - Vectra (by Silvano x Amiral) - 74.800
- 7 . Vicktoria Tällberg - Countess (by Carabas x Lorentin I) - 74.000
- 8. AnnSofie Antonsson - Infernal T (by Indoctro x Cortez) - 73.800
- 9. Jeanna Högberg - Wellington (by Weltman x Campari M) - 73.800
- 10. Helen Persson - Licorie (by Licotus x Glorieux) - 73.200
- 11. Mattias Jansson - Royalist (by Royal Hit x Sandro Hit) - 72.200
- 12. Malin Ljungcrantz - Ramstein (by Rubinrot x Michellino) - 72.000
- 13. Louise Almlund - Mr. Gold G (by Milan x Lobster) - 71.200
- 14. Karin Persson - Don Gayble (by Don Charly x Rex) - 70.800
- 15. Louise Sättermann - Alex (by Roughfield Fantasy x Renovo) - 70.200
- 16. Elin Krantzen - Qaramelle (by Bocelli x Pontus) - 68.000
7-year olds - Final - Prix St Georges
- 1. Jan Brink - Hohenstaufen II (by Hohenstein x Langata Express xx- 70.088
- 2. Rose Mathisen - Zuidenwind (by OO Seven x Jazz) - 69.561
- 3. Jennie Larsson - Zircoon Spring Flower (by Painted Black x Armstrong) - 67.807
- 4. Mads Hendeliowitz - Jimmie Choo Seq (by Sandro Hit x Don Schufro) - 66.140
- 4. Maria Borg - Chaigon (by Soprano x Hertug) - 66.140
- 6. Susanne Gielen - Belamour (by Belissimo M x Lord Sinclair I) - 65.877
- 7. Mattias Jansson - Dalwhinnie (by De Niro x Rohdiamant) - 64.912
- 8. Mattias Jansson - Tsarevitj (by Prince Thatch xx x Lanthan) - 62.456
- 9. Emma Karlsson - Midt-West Casino (by De Niro x Rubinstein I) - 61.053
Sohn der Sonne, Bellagio, Isac, Jimmie Choo Win 2010 Swedish Young Horse Championships
My Princess, Hohenstaufen II, Wladimir OA, and Yantuge win 2008 Swedish Young Horse Championships
First Wish, Excalibur of Avalon and Hermes, 2007 Swedish Young Horse Champions
Scores 2006 Swedish Young Horse Championships
Scores 2005 Swedish Young Horse Championships
Scores 2003 Swedish Young Horse Championships