Following in the Footsteps of Legends, Carl Hester Getting Nervous for Global Dressage Forum

Fri, 10/21/2011 - 11:19
2011 Global Dressage Forum

Carl Hester, Charlotte Dujardin, Nathalie zu Sayn Wittgenstein and Kyra Kyrklund are some of many speakers who are scheduled to present at the 2011 Global Dressage Forum on 30 - 31 October 2011. The Forum takes place in Hooge Mierde, the Netherlands,  right after the 2011 International Equitation Science Congress.

In a recent newsletter Carl Hester says, "it's only a few days until the Global Dressage Forum. I can't quite get my head around the fact that I am topping the bill and following in the footsteps of legends like Theodorescu, Bemelmans, Balkenhol,  Steffen Peters, Ulla Salzgeber, Anky and Sjef and others. The GDF is the Mecca of the dressage training world and the meeting place of anyone who wants to be at the heart of our sport. Right now I am sitting down planning my presentation and think it must be as nerve-wracking as trying to prepare a victory speech for the Oscars! I will ride some of my young horses and also show an open and honest training session with Charlotte Dujardin on Valegro. We have a big year ahead with the chance of an Olympic medal. But we still have plenty of  training improvements left to do and I would like to show you what we are currently working on”.

The Danish Princess Nathalie, second in this year’s Reem Accra World Cup Dressage Final, and trainer Kyra Kyrklund will both give clinics at the  Global Dressage Forum. During several years Nathalie lived at the Swedish National Flyinge center, where she was trained by Kyra. Nowadays Nathalie is trained by Kyra’s partner Richard White.

"In my family, everybody rides and likes horses. My mother started breeding when she received a mare as a present for her 40th birthday. It's fantastic now being able to produce horses from her breed on top level," says Nathalie. The unique combination of breeding horses and training them to Olympic level will be an item in Nathalie’s presentation.

One of the most influential dressage riders & trainers in the world and current President of the International Dressage Riders Club, Kyra Kyrklund has some remarkable principles. She says, “there are many roads to the top of the mountain, but the view is the same from the top”. In her clinic will demonstrate her great and versatile experience in training young pupils up to Grand Prix level.  
There still are some tickets available, but you have to act quickly.

Reserve your ticket on or call +31135091666 . More information about the International Equitation Science Congress: