Last week Eurodressage sentout its very first weekly Newsletter. Even though our sign-up system for the mailing list has existed since the launch of our new layout in April 2010, the actual preparation and sending out this very first linkletter was like an elephant pregnancy.
We received great feedback from our readers about the inaugural newsletter and are looking forward to sending you the next one tomorrow.
Our plan is to mail a weekly newsletter in which our top stories as well as a few commercial articles (such as horse sales ads, grooms ads and real estate properties) and most important features will be highlighted.
As we publish on average six to seven new stories a day, many loyal Eurodressage readers still miss out on a few articles which have slipped through the cracks because they missed reading them. The goal of this update is to present our biggest and best stories of the week in a structured overview.
How to Subscribe to this FREE Newsletter?
The subscription process involves two necessary steps to complete registering for the newsletter. You need to take both steps or you will not be on the list.
STEP 1 : Go to this link, sign your name and email address as well as the security code and press the subscribe button.
STEP 2: you will receive an email to confirm the subscription. You have to click on the link in the email which will send you to a page where you need to press one more button to subscribe and it's done. You should be on the list!!
If you don't complete step 2 you are not on the list. Also, double check your junk/spam filter to see if the confirmation email did not end up in there!
Happy surfing!