The Dutch Equestrian Federation presented its Rabobank Talent Team of 2012 during the 2012 World Cup Finals in 's Hertogenbosch on Saturday noon 21 April 2012. The team includes five dressage riders of which two are new members.
Twelve talents in total were selected and will receive additional financial support from Rabobank to further their equestrian career. Five of those twelve are dressage riders.
The oldest member of the dressage team is Diederik van Silfhout, who currently competes at Grand Prix level, who has been elected on the team for the ninth time! He is joined by Under 25 rider Danielle Heijkoop and longtime young rider Angela Krooswijk. The newcomers are young riders Danielle Houtvast and Stephanie Kooijman.
Maarten van der Heijden, technical director of the Dutch Equestrian Federation, commented that "it's nice to see so many new, young talents be submitted on the Talent Team of 2012. The team trainers have proved in the best to make good choices. A large number of talents successfully moved on to the Grand Prix teams. Through the Rabo Talent Team these talents are helped and stimulated to make a seamless transition to the top."
Photo © Astrid Appels
Related Links
2007 Dutch Rabo Talent Team Presented at Indoor Brabant
Laurens van Lieren, Rabo Talent of the Year 2005