Swedish young rider Elin Aspnas and Grand Prix rider Michelle Hagman are the 2012 recipients of Ulla Hakanson's Ajax Stipend, which offers financial support to rising Swedish star riders for their training and competition career.
The 20-year old Aspnas, who also competed in the Under 25 Grand Prix classes, is the youngest of two Ajax stipend recipients in 2012. Both receive approximately 23,000 euro to invest in their riding.
"I'm very proud. It's a very nice award to get," Aspnas told the Swedish newspaper Kristianstadsbladet
The annual Ajax recipients are chosen by founder Ulla Håkanson in co-operation with Jan Brink, Kyra Kyrklund and Eva-Karin Oskarsson.
Aspnas is currently at the 2012 CDIO Aachen where she will compete Dark Diamond in the Under 25 classes. After Aachen she will travel straight to the 2012 European Young Riders Championships in Berne, Switzerland, where she will be riding Donna Romma (by Don Frederico x Warkant) on the Swedish team.
" It will be really fun, Aachen's is where everyone dreams to come and compete at," Elin told Kristianstadsbladet. 'I went there for the first time last year and now I'm
going back there again. It is really inspiring."
The 27-year old German based Michelle Hagman has had a fantastic show season competing the 11-year old Oldenburg stallion Fio in the small tour and the gorgeous Trakehner TSF Rudi's Memory at Grand Prix level.
Source: Ridsport
Photo © Astrid Appels
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