Edward Gal and the Dutch warmblood gelding Undercover (by Ferro x Donnerhall)landed on top of the ranking in the Grand Prix class at the 2013 CDI Drachten in The Netherlands on Friday 4 January 2013. Gal scored a big 77.085% to outclass himself on his second GP ride, the 18-year old Dutch warmblood Next One (by Jazz x Le Mexico), with whom he placed second on 72.617%.
Gal rode the Austrian owned Undercover with extreme care. Like a mathematician he counted and controlled every single step of the horse. The trot extensions were a bit quick but the half passes and rein back were very good. The first passage was not entirely regular with a few steps more active with the right hind leg. The first piaffe was a tiny bit forward but the transitions were extremely smooth. The extended walk had good relaxation, overtrack and neck stretch. The second piaffe-passage was more regular but the horse could have been more open in the throat latch. The tempi changes were correct and active from behind. The ones were more ground covering than the twos. In the zig zag the horse lost its uphill tendency and ground cover. The pirouettes were small but Undercover remains quite earthbound in each jump. The extended canter on the diagonal was explosive and the final centerline was very nice.
Gal and his long-time Grand Prix horse Next One, which is owned by Drachten show sponsor Lens Nekeman, were last year's Drachten Grand Prix winners but this time had to settle for second place. The combination has not competed very much in 2012 but couldn't miss out on appearing at the owner's event. Gal steered the dapper bay gelding with much experience through the ring. The contact with the curb could have been lighter throughout the test, but as usual Next One excelled in the piaffe and passage.
Gal's life partner Hans Peter Minderhoud finished third aboard the Oldenburg licensed stallion Lord of Loxley (by Lord Sinclair x Landadel). Owned by the estate of the late Clyde Wunderwald, the 13-year old Lord of Loxley was campaigned in 2012 by Australian Grand Prix rider Brett Parbery in an attempt to qualify for the Olympics. Unfortunately Parbery's efforts failed and the horse stayed in The Netherlands to be sold. Minderhoud will be competing the elegant bay stallion until the horse has found a new owner.
The combination made its show debut at a national show in the autumn and Drachten was their first CDI. Lord of Loxley is a very elegant mover especially in trot but is still struggling with his balance throughout the test. The trot extensions were lovely, the passage is very lightfooted but in piaffe the horse becomes wide behind and in front and sways from left to right. In canter the stallion became slightly more strong in the hand and opened its mouth regularly. The tempi changes are very uphill but in the ones there could have been more straightness. The pair totalled 72.489% to finish third closely on the heels of Gal and Next One.
Text and Photos © Astrid Appels - No reproduction allowed
Eurodressage was on the scene at the 2013 CDI Drachten to take photos of all riders. If you are interested in ordering prints from this event, please contact us at info@eurodressage.com
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