Edward Gal's Next One and Stephanie Peters with Unlimited have been submitted to the Dutch Olympic A-team following their results at the 2013 CDI-W 's Hertogenbosch last weekend.
Gal is now part of the Dutch A-team with no less than 3 horses. His victory in the CDI4* in Den Bosch aboard Lens Nekeman's 18-year old Dutch warmblood Next One sufficed for a spot on the team. Two weeks earlier Gal and Next One won the 2013 Dutch Indoor Championships.
New comer on the A-team is Stephanie Peters and her Dutch warmblood Unlimited (by Jazz x Winckenburg). This duo scored 71.617% in the CDI-W Grand Prix class and obtained her third A-team score (after top results at national shows in Beek and Geldrop).
The Dutch Olympic A-team includes:
- Adelinde Cornelissen - Parzival
- Edward Gal - Romanov, Undercover, Next One
- Patrick van der Meer - Uzzo
- Hans Peter Minderhoud - Tango, Withney van ’t Genthof
- Stephanie Peters - Unlimited
- Imke Schellekens-Bartels - Toots
- Madeleine Witte-Vrees - Wynton
The B-team includes:
- Marlies van Baalen - Miciano
- Danielle Heijkoop - Siro
- Laurens van Lieren - Welnetta / Ulysses La Haya
- Hans Peter Minderhoud - Lord Of Loxley
- Johan Rockx - Verdi de la Fazenda
- Diederik van Silfhout - Popeye
Photo © Astrid Appels
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