The FEI Dressage Committee held a conference call meeting on 15 May 2013 with the full committee tapped in. The committee discussed the Freestyle Test event, the allocation of upcoming European Championships, calendar clash rules and more.
Freestyle Test Event
Regarding the Test event for the Freestyle, Trond Asmyr will contact the NED and GER NFs to see if such an event could be hosted in Ermelo (NED) or Warendorf (GER). It was not possible to hold the event in Aachen due to construction work. About 10 horses would be needed, and each could go twice, giving 20 rides for the test. He reminded Kyra about a working document on music on behalf of the Riders Club, which was due end May. Katrina Wüst was working on the degree of difficulty.
Prize Money
Regarding prize money, the current system with the OC dividing it up was seen to work well. He proposed adding minimum and maximum amounts to certain levels, to be discussed in connection with the rule changes at the next meeting.
FEI World Challenge
For the Challenge, there was positive feedback from Jacqueline Braissant and from the Solidarity Committee to the proposal of keeping the current Challenge Tour and adding the new concept to be tested in one group. Jacqueline and Linda Keenan had established a contact between the IDTC and FEI regarding the trainers and the FEI coaching system.
Allocation Championships
- 2014 EU-CH-P – Biady Bor (POL)
- 2015 EU-CH-Y/J/Ch – Vidauban (FRA)
- 2015 EU-CH-P - Malmö (SWE)
- 2015 Central Asian Championships – Almaty (KAZ)
The recommendations of the DC will be forwarded to the FEI Bureau for final allocation.
Applications for Exceptions from 3-year Rule for Judges
The DD was not present for this point. The DC agreed to grant Sandy Phillips (GBR) an exception, under the condition that she participates in a Refresher Seminar as soon as possible (London in December being the next possible one to apply to in Europe).
The DC did not grant an exception for Francisco Guerra Diaz (ESP), based on his lack of participation in any RS the last three years, and lack of activity (no CDIs judged in 2012). He would need to go through the stipulated process to return to the list.
Decision: Sandy Phillips (GBR) was granted exception, Francisco Guerra Diaz (ESP) was refused exception.
Follow up from meeting with Veterinary Committee, including Horse Inspection
The DD informed that he had had much contact with the Veterinary Committee, taking part in two meetings, about the safety around Horse Inspections and Elimination rules, and gave an update to the committee.
Calendar Clash Rules
Decision: The DC agreed on having a strategy to protect FEI named events – Nations Cup, World Cup and Championships. It was to be discussed at a later date by how long a period on either side they should be protected.
Evaluation of Test Event Wellington (USA)
The format had been well received by the riders and trainers, but was perhaps too complicated for the spectators to understand. However, the atmosphere had been very good and positive and it was seen as a good start to upgrade the sport in the Americas. The goal was a working format that could be used for the Pan Am Games. The points from the test event were to be worked on by Thomas, Anne Gribbons and Maribel Alonso to come to a final proposal for the Pan Ams. Once this was in place, it could be discussed if the format could be used at CDIOs2* outside Western Europe also. The Chair thanked them, as well as Elisabeth Williams and Lloyd Landkamer, for their work.
The time frame to generally advance further towards GP level in the Americas was estimated as 4-6 years, with full GP likely for the Pan Am Games 2023. The bonus point system was to be worked further on. The new proposal of having a Medium level could also be an option for the Pan Ams format.
Conclusion: Thomas Baur, Anne Gribbons and Maribel Alonso were to fine-tune the format based on feedback from the test event.
Test Working Group – tasks 2013
Work on the Young Horses tests and the Intermediate II had already been agreed at the London meeting, in addition to the walk pattern in the Grand Prix test. Work on the Freestyles was in progress with the projected test event.
David Hunt informed that all was fine for the Small Tour tests. The Inter II was looked at for the Medium Tour, based on ideas from various NFs already having such tests. One further test for this level may be good to have.
The idea of a Medium Tour had been well received at the Sports Forum and the DC discussed which tests should be used. Generally, an easier GP in addition to the updated Inter II was seen as a good combination.
Conclusion: Work on Young Horse tests, Intermediate II and Freestyles was under way. The Working Group was to meet within a month and David report back to the DC afterwards.
Follow-up from the Stakeholders Meeting and the Round Table at the Sports Forum
The Chair informed that the Stakeholders had met in Lausanne in connection with the Sports Forum and in Gothenburg at the World Cup Final, and had discussed the issues outlined in the Agenda above.
The DD informed that drafts of the Memorandum of Understanding had been sent to the Stakeholder groups and a final version was being worked on.
Regarding the online Handbook and e-learning, funding was needed to advance the project. The JSP was to be present at more events from now.
The U25 category was not to be changed to U28 at this point, as this was not seen to be wanted for other disciplines.
Judges fees were discussed.
Smaller NFs could ask the FEI for wild cards (extra starting places) if they did not receive invitations to shows.
How to reduce the numbers of riders not showing up for events they had entered for was to be discussed at a future meeting. The IDRC was encouraged to take a more active stance to this as well.
Photos © Astrid Appels
Related Links
FEI Dressage Committee Minutes of 25-25 February 2013
Hans-Christian Matthiesen To Be Appointed on FEI Dressage Committee