The Norwegian Equestrian Federation is struggling to keep a long-term hold on its team trainers. Last weekend, Norwegian Pony Team Trainer Lars Rasmussen announced his resignation from the job as of 1 July 2013.
Rasmussen has not even been on the job for half a year and already called it quits before the major Championships (Nordic Baltic and European Pony Championships) have taken place this summer. Rasmussen started his job in March 2013.
"Lars Rasmussen is very experienced, both through his education adn experience," the Norwegian Equestrian Federation stated. "We had hoped to be able to enjoy this expertise longer."
The Danish born Lars Rasmussen worked at the Norwegian Elite Sport Gymnasium from 1992 to 2005 and coached some of Norway's best junior riders. His students include show jumpers (!) Tony Andre Hansen, Christian Øien Anfinsen and Line Raaholt.
Photo © Astrid Appels
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