It was the third Delegates' Conference to which the Board of the Hannoveraner Verband had invited in the premises of the Niedersachsenhalle in Verden. The planned co-operation with the Rheinisches Pferdestammbuch was part of the agenda. 94% of the voting members agreed on this co-operation.
The Rheinisches Pferdestammbuch and the Hannoveraner Verband are now actively facing new challenges in the German horse breeding business and are about to inaugurate trendsetting common measures when it comes to breeding and sales for their members.
A group of delegates from Rhineland, headed by First Chairman Theo Leuchten and Breeding and Business Manager Martin Spoo, had specially come to attend the Delegates' Conference. The First Chairman of the Hannoveraner Verband, Manfred Schäfer, opened his speech with an adage he brought along from his recent trip to China: "When the wind of change blows, some people build walls, others build windmills." And he gave reasons for the planned co-operation as first step for a later fusion with the Rheinisches Pferdestammbuch: "We will not be able to stop the structural changes in Germany and all over the world, but we can try to optimize the conditions for our breeders the best possible way."
Theo Leuchten presented the delegates horse breeding and sports in Rhineland in more detail, emphasized the many connections to Hanover and explained: *This new co-operation serves as important basis for a common future. We will complement each other in many respects and develop new strategies that will be positive for both parties."
Breeding and Business Manager Dr. Werner Schade explained the concrete changes that are to be expected as a result of the co-operation: For the breeding and selection, it is now possible to have the foals registered at both studbooks. The Hannoveraner Verband will now be able to issue Rhenish horse passports and to brand foals with the Rhenish brand. In return, the Rhenish branding officials are entitled to register Hanoverian horses with the Rhenish studbook. The registration rules for Hanoverian and Rhenish horses are adjusted. This also applies to a certain extend for Westphalian horses as long as they are owned by Rhenish or Hanoverian breeders.
Results of mare registrations are accepted by both studbooks as long as this matches the Statutes of the Hannoveraner Verband. The new regulations are the same for stallions: The same licensing rules shall now apply for Rhenish and Westphalian stallions presented for the Hanoverian breeding area. As of the licensing year 2013, the young licensed stallions will be registered with both studbooks, and both studbooks will accept the licensing results of the other party. The licensing commissions will be complemented by one representative of the other breeding association.
Both breeding associations will pursue common marketing strategies with the aim to benefit from synergistic effects. Rhenish breeders are now allowed to sell their Rhenish and Westphalian branded horses in Verden, the Hanoverian breeders have the same opportunity in Wickrath. "This opening provides fantastic opportunities as we are already selling lots of horses to North Rhine-Westphalia. The market position of both breeding associations will be definitively strengthened. It is also planned to restart sales at the CHIO-Sales in Aachen," Dr. Werner Schade explained. The third aspect of this co-operation refers to marketing. The two studbooks will now be commonly represented at trade shows and other sport and breeding events.
The discussion during the meeting was held in a frank and transparent way, most of the expressed and discussed doubts of some members were removed. Theo Leuchten emphasized in his closing remarks: "I would like to thank you for your confidence and your positive attitude in the name of the Rhinish breeders. We wrote a small chapter of history today and should be proud that we will follow this new path together and create a common future."
-- Press release Hanoverian society
Photo © Astrid Appels
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