Swedish Grand Prix rider Sofie Lexner injured herself quite severely in a riding accident on Saturday 24 August 2013 and has been hospitalized. The rider fell of a young horse and fractured two vertebrae in her neck and one in her back.
Lexner is a member of the Swedish Grand Prix A-team aboard Ulla Hakanson's Charming Boy (by Cassaretto) and runs her own training and sales facility in Sweden.
Sofie Lexner was riding a youngster but fell off and landed on her neck. She was diagnosed with two fractured neck vertebrae and one in the thoracic spine. An operation was not necessary as Sofie has full movement in her body
but she lacks sensitivity in her right arm.
Lexner is at the Lund University Hospital and hoping she won't need surgery. The optimistic rider wrote, "see you again in the show ring next year."
Source: Ridehesten
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