The USEF and USET Foundation have come together in 2014 through a gift from USET Foundation Trustee Betsy Juliano and Havensafe Farm to host the first ever USEF/USET Foundation Dressage Pipeline Clinic, January 28-29, 2014 at the Global Dressage Grounds in Wellington, Fla.
This clinic will showcase the U.S. dressage pipeline of athletes and horses with the four USEF Dressage Coaches: Robert Dover, USEF Chef d'Equipe/Technical Advisor; Debbie McDonald, USEF Developing Coach; Scott Hassler, USEF Young Horse Coach; and Jeremy Steinberg, USEF Youth Coach.
The following 12 athlete/horse combinations will participate in the two-day training session:
Kaitlin Blythe with her own and Thomas Blythe's Daverden
Nadine Buberl with Martin Sosnoff and Cesar Parra's Fashion Designer OLD
Rachel Chowanec with Lendon Gray's Embrujado XI
Bebe Davis with Michael Davis' Rotano
Catherine Haddad-Staller with her own Montrachet
Kim Herslow with Kiroli Enterprises, LLC's Rosmarin
Matt Johnson with his own Petersborg's Qasanova
Anna Marek with AJ Stapleton's Elian
Silva Martin with the Rosa Cha W Syndicate's Rosa Cha W
Cesar Parra with Michael and Sarah Davis' Van the Man
Caroline Roffman with her own Her Highness O
Lauren Sammis with Hope Greenfield's Lombardo V
"I am looking forward to our upcoming Pipeline Clinic, along with our other U.S. Coaches," said Dover. "This clinic will demonstrate, using world-class Young Riders, Young Horses, Developing, and Elite International combinations, our commitment to excellence in training from the bottom to the top of the sport. I hope our community will come out in large numbers to support our program and am certain trainers, amateurs, and children attending will go home having no less than one 'Aha' moment. Proceeds from this clinic will go back into our High Performance Programs."
The clinic will demonstrate the harmonization of the various coaching programs as the coaches work in pairs with riders from their respective programs. The clinic will kick off each day with rider fitness sessions, followed by individual mounted training sessions and finishing with afternoon Sports Psychology sessions. Additionally, riders, as well as the horse owners and trainers of the invited riders, will participate in an evening discussion on media, owner, and sponsor relations, led by a panel of experts in those fields.
Related Links
USEF Dressage Coaches Come Together for 2014 USEF/USET Foundation Dressage Pipeline Clinics
Schedule for 2014 USEF Young Horse Dressage Training and Observation Sessions