ANCCE has tentatively reserved the week of September 15-20 for the 2014 Tribunal for Qualified Breeding Stock (TRC) in the United States.
This event requires your immediate attention. We need a minimum of 30 horses in one location in order to hold the TRC and keep the price as low as possible for breeders.
The TRC is not an inexpensive investment, as it requires six ANCCE personnel to travel from Spain, a public covered facility and on-site veterinary services. In order to keep the price at $2000.00 per horse, we need to register a minimum of 30 horses by the end of this month. Once we confirm the minimum required number of horses we can confirm arrangements to bring the required ANCCE personnel, rent the facilities and contact the veterinarians that can perform x-rays on site.
Don't miss the opportunity to provide your horse with this distinguished accomplishment.
We ask for breeders and owners that have an interest in participating in this event to contact the USPRE office or click on this link to register as soon as possible: 2014 TRC Registration Form
If the TRC is cancelled due to lack of horses, 100% of the deposit will be refunded.
Photo © Astrid Appels
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