Danish Grand Prix rider and WEG team candidate Lisbet Seierskilde will not be able to compete at the 2014 Danish Dressage Championships in Broholm, on 6 - 8 June 2014. Seierskilde fell off a youngster and strained the ligaments on her knee.
Last week Wednesday 28 May Seierskilde rode her own 4-year old in the morning but the youngster exploded and threw off his rider.
"He was ridden last year and has been in full training throughout 2014," Seierskilde explained Ridehesten. "Two weeks ago I took over the ride on him myself because I love his temperament. Last Wednesday I mounted him and as of the first step he exploded, jumped in the air and I got launched from the saddle and smacked into the kickboards."
Seierskilde was transported to the hospital for a check as they initially thought she had injured her back, but it turned out that her left knee was dislocated. A scan today confirmed the diagnoses of Danish team doctor Morten Storgaard who said the inner ligaments were injured. They are not torn but strained and Lisbet has to wear a brace from her tigh to her tibia for the next two and a half weeks. After that she will get a special brace with which she'll be able to ride.
"Hopefully I'll be show ready in July," she added. "I'm an optimist, even though I cried a lot the past few days."
The 2014 Danish Championships are the first mandatory Danish WEG selection trials but this year's edition will be a skimmed down version. Several of Denmark's top combinations are absent due to injury or other reasons. Anna Kasprzak's Donnperignon underwent eye surgery, Nanna Skodborg Merrald's Millibar is still not fit, Andreas Helgstrand's Akeem is home due to all the negative press and animal abuse charges and Lisbet Seierskilde just injured herself. Florida based Danes and Hamburg Dressage Derby stars Mikala Gundersen and Lars Petersen will be competing in Broholm.
Photo © Astrid Appels
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