The Palm Beach International Equestrian Center (PBIEC) in Wellington, FL, will be home to the 2015 Robert Dover HorseMastership Week.
Junior and Young Riders from across the country are gearing up to attend the 4th annual Robert Dover HorseMastership Week
to be held January 3-7, 2015, at the VanKampen arena at The Stadium at PBIEC.
The clinic will feature instruction in both riding and other comprehensive elements required to be a top dressage professional in the industry. Participants have been carefully selected and will include 16 junior/young riders who will participate as riders, as well as eight junior/young riders who attend as participating auditors. This year, the program will also be open to additional adult and junior auditors, making this amazing educational opportunity available to everyone.
The participants will ride either their own horses, or borrowed horses generously donated by individuals who help support this clinic. Each rider will have the opportunity to have one lesson with each of the featured instructors for this year: U.S. High Performance coach Robert Dover, U.S. Developing Rider Coach Debbie McDonald, U.S. WEG Team riders Adrienne Lyle and Laura Graves, and International Competitor George Williams. The lessons comprise the morning activities for the riders, and each afternoon, there will be at least one speaker addressing the group.
The speakers lined up for this year's event already include: Charlie Tota of the Dressage Connenction (saddle fitting explanation and demonstration), International judges Janet Foy and Charlotte Bredhal ("From the Judge's Perspective,") farrier Don Later (how shoeing can enhance performance,) Lisa Slade of the Chronicle of the Horse magazine (how to handle media at competitions and interviews) and Dr. Shana Chase, DVM (veterinary concerns for top competitive horses.) Additionally, we will have some top fitness trainers explaining through workout samples for the participants how important physical training is for a top athlete.
This clinic is unique in that it is comprised completely of volunteer donations to run. The trainers are donating their time to teach. The presenters are donating their time for their presentations. There are multiple local tack retailers who are donating gift bags for the participants. Several local professionals are donating their horses, local residents are donating housing for some of the participants and local dressage enthusiasts are donating their time to volunteer for different positions to help this clinic run smoothly.
Photo © Astrid Appels
Related Links
Riders Chosen for Third Annual Dressage Horsemastership Week Led by Robert Dover
Riders Chosen for 2012 Robert Dover Horsemastership Clinic