The sudden resignation of three key members of the Judging Supervisory Panel -- Ghislain Fouarge, Dieter Schüle and Eric Lette -- has brought about quite some commotion in the high performance dressage world and has led the FEI Dressage Committee to propose some rule changes which will be voted upon at the 2014 FEI General Assembly.
Judging Supervisory Panel members Ghislain Fouarge, Dieter Schüle and Eric Lette handed in their immediate resignation at the end of October 2014 after the FEI Dressage Committee rejected a proposal for more authority and clarity concerning their position.
"At the moment our hands are tied and it means that our functioning is extremely limited," Fouarge told Eurodressage right after his resignation. "We would like to be authorized to change considerate point differences (and not just accidental mistakes), but only if the judges clearly disagree amongst one another. We would like to be able to approach judges when they are too far off from the others, for whatever reason."
In an interview with Dutch national newspaper De Telegraaf, Fourage further explained his disappointment in the FEI's lack of willingness to improve the JSP: "Besides the rejection, there was no communication. Not even a conversation nor an explanation," Fouarge told De Telegraaf. "A small group of people is in charge at the FEI and believes that the sovereignty of the jury cannot be touched. There is a culture of never going against the grain, because everyone is afraid for his career. So you keep banging your head against the wall."
Where do Hunt and Seefried Stand?
Remarkably absent in the JSP-FEI clash are the other three JSP members, Henk van Bergen, David Hunt and most recent JSP member Mary Seefried. While Seefried was in full agreement with the proposal, Hunt did not take a public stand. Hunt's term as JSP member ends this year.
"The JSP is a great addition to the sport of dressage," Hunt told Eurodressage. "The JSP is basically there to support the riders and the judges, which I think it is doing very successfully. And that is why I am still a member of the JSP and plan to continue to do so, as I’m in full support of what it stands for and how it is implemented."
Mary Seefried told Eurodressage the following: "Firstly I see the role of the JSP as continuing to be a great addition to the sport in ensuring fairness for riders and judges at major championships," said Mary. "It is a body which reports to the FEI Dressage Committee and Department and its charter therefore must be one agreed by all of the key stakeholders in our sport. This agreement is vital to ensure the mutual respect between the parties and acceptance of its role by riders and judges."
The FEI Fix
As the JSP has now been reduced from five to just two members (with a minimum of three needed to work at a championship), the FEI Dressage Committee is pressured to find replacements. In a most recent turn of events, the FEI Dressage Committee has decided to fix the matter by proposing a rule change to scratch the age and term limits.
The original rule (Article 438) states: “The term for JSP members is minimum two (2) years, maximum two (2) times two (2) years, with a rotation system. The age limit is seventy four (74) years.”
The proposed rule change, which will be voted on at the FEI General Assembly in December, would amend Article 438 to state: “JSP members are appointed for two (2) years periods. They may be reappointed for an unlimited number of periods. There is no age limit for JSP Members.”
The proposed rule change "has been sent to the National Federations for consultation and we have had no negative reactions to the proposal," said FEI press officer Grania Willis. "If accepted it (the rule change) will be implemented from 1 January 2015. (...) This would permit David Hunt to stay on after the end of this year."
To fill up the other vacant JSP positions, the FEI Dressage Committee is empowered to offer the position to judges/trainers of their choice.
Photos © Astrid Appels
Related Links
Fouarge, Schule, Lette Step Down as Judging Supervisory Panel Members
FEI Dressage Committee Minutes of 27 October 2014
Mary Seefried Appointed Member of the Judging Supervisory Panel
Ghislain Fouarge Declines Second Term as FEI Judge General