The United States Dressage Federation (USDF) is pleased to announce that Terry Ciotti Gallo has been named the 2014 USDF Volunteer of the Year. Christiana Logan of North Plains, OR, has been selected as the recipient of the 2014 USDF Youth Volunteer of the Year Award.
This award recognizes a USDF member who, through consistent and cumulative volunteer activities, has demonstrated exceptional commitment towards carrying out USDF's mission.
As the winner, Terry will be presented with a perpetual trophy, established by Lisa Gorretta, which is permanently on display in the Roemer Foundation/USDF Hall of Fame, will be featured in the yearbook issue of USDF Connection, and will receive a “keeper” trophy. Terry, of Winter Springs, FL, has made major contributions as a volunteer to dressage on the national, regional, and local level.
Her dedication to education is evident through her work with the USDF Judges Committee and the USDF “L” Program, as well as serving as member of the USDF Freestyle Committee, six years as its chair. Terry has been at the center of all freestyle education that has been developed over the years.
“Her dedication and passion for promoting musical freestyle, and riding to music, has brought us all to a new level of sophistication and understanding. She is a person that we all hope will continue to share her knowledge for many years to come, and is a joy as a person and musical ambassador,” stated Dolly Hannon, chair of the USDF Freestyle Committee.
"Terry's love for dance and music can be clearly seen in her selfless volunteer work with freestyles. Her dedication over the years is to be commended," added Marilyn Heath, 2013 Roemer/USDF Hall of Fame Lifetime Achievement Award recipient.
Logan, Youth Volunteer of the Year
This prestigious Youth Volunteer award honors one outstanding youth volunteer who has contributed both nationally and locally to USDF and dressage. As the winner, Christiana will be presented with a perpetual trophy, donated by the Akin family of Warwick, NY, in honor of Lendon Gray, which is permanently on display in the Roemer/USDF Hall of Fame, will be featured in the yearbook issue of USDF Connection, and will receive a “keeper” trophy.
Christiana, eighteen-years-old, already has many years of service as a volunteer at USDF-recognized competitions under her belt. In 2014 alone, she dedicated numerous hours of volunteer service at competitions and clinics, including the Dressage for the Ages ODS League, Heart of the Valley, and Washington and Marion County 4-H Dressage Clinics. Her volunteer work was a tremendous help in keeping the shows and clinics running smoothly. Christiana has assisted show management in every aspect, from helping plan to organizing and running events. This year, Christiana proved to be an excellent contributor in unexpected situations. When a show manager had to be pulled away from a competition for personal matters, Christiana took charge and stepped up to the show manger position, assisting the show secretary with the rest of the show, while being a participant herself.
“What is even more important than her dressage, academic and leadership accomplishments, to me, is just what an incredible human being she is. She is always considerate, inclusive, supportive, yet holds strongly to the standards she has set for herself. I truly could go on and on about this amazing, dedicated, thoughtful, responsible, smart and talented young lady who has chosen to support and promote the sport of dressage.” stated Carol Jackson, who nominated Christiana.
The USDF Youth Programs Committee selected Christiana based on her passion for both horses and dressage. The committee wholeheartedly commends Christiana for her dedication to dressage and the ability to be a positive role model for other youth, through exceptional volunteerism.
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