Gestut Kampmann's 5-year old Westfalian stallion Bonamour (by Bonifatius x Rousseau) became the price highlight of the 2015 Westfalian Spring Elite Auction in Munster-Handorf on 12 April 2015. The chestnut licensed stallion Bonamour was third at the Bundeschampionate and now offered for sale at the Westfalian auction. He sold for 160,000 euro to Korean buyers.
The second most expensive horse of the auction was the performance tested premium stallion Segantini (by Silbermond x Florestan). This 4-year old sold for 110,000 euro to Switzerland.
The 3-year old bay gelding Vamos Amigos (by Vitalis x Hotline), bred and owned by the Dutch Annebeth Reesink, sold for 78,000 euro to Rhineland. The 5-year old bay mare Bella Bijou (by Balous Bellini x Cornet Obolensky) was the most expensive jumper and sold for 63,000 euro to a Rhinish buyer.
A nice collection of foals came up for auction and the black colt Martindale (by Millennium x Lord Loxley) became the price highlight, selling for 26,000 euro to a German buyer. The black filly Donna de la Luna (by De Niro x Florestan) sold for 20,000 euro to a buyer from Holstein.
Three ponies were sold and the best seller was the 4-year old liver chestnut mare Viva La Vida (by Vitalis x Rosenkavalier), bred by the renowned De Baey family. It sold for 10,000 euro to a local buyer.
A total of 39 sport horses were sold at auction and they achieved an average price of 30.936 euro. Twenty-three foals were sold for an average price of 8,913 euro.