The Westfalian stallions Rockman and Rock Forever II were the winners of the first Bundeschampionate qualifier of the 2015 show season held at the Massener Heide equestrian centre in Unna-Massen on Saturday 25 April 2015. The qualifier was judged by Michael Hubrich, Klaus Ridder and Michael Settertobulte.
While the Massener Heide show was quite substantial, only one BuCha qualifier took place there, the L-dressage horse test for 5-year olds. With 31 horses competing in total the class was split into two groups.
In group 1 Johann Hinnemann's head trainer Stefanie Wolf topped the leader board with Next Generation's Rockman (by Rock Forever x Show Star) scoring a total of 8.5. The horse got 9 for trot, 8.5 for walk, 8 for canter and 8.5 for submission and general impression. Hermann Burger and Robert Lualdi's dark bay Oldenburg stallion Favoloso L (by Furst Romancier x Rubin Royal) were the runners up with a total of 8.0. This combination earned 8.5 for trot, 7.5 for walk and straight 8s for canter, submission and general impression.
5-year olds - L Dressage Horse Class
Group 1
- 1 Stefanie Wolf - Rockman (Rock Forever I x Show Star) - 8.5
- 2 Hermann Burger - Favoloso L ( Fürst Romancier x Rubin-Royal) - 8
- 3 Claudia Rüscher - Damon's Pauly (Damon Hill x Romantik-Boy) - 7.7
- 4 Claudia Rüscher - Darth Vader (Desperados x Dresemann) - 7.5
- 4 Marion Wiebusch - Like a Diamond (Laureus x Lord Sinclair I) - 7.5
Group 2
- 1 Ann-Kathrin Wilting - Rock Forever II (by Rockwell x Landstreicher) - 8.2
- 2 Heike Osterkamp- Dolby Surround (by Der Designer x Rosario) - 8
- 3 Hermann Burger - Boney M (by Bonifatius x Don Vino) - 7.6
- 3 Anja Wilimzig - Farbenspiel (by Florencianox Dimension) - 7.6
- 5 Tobias Nabben - Saint Paul OLD (by Sir Donnerhall x Painter's Row xx) - 7.4
- 5 Anja Wilimzig - Flavis (by Flanagan x Ehrentusch) - 7.4
- 6 Annika Korte - Fürst Larino (by Fürst Romancier x Don Larino) - 7.3
- 6 Christine Baackmann - Fariba (by Fleury x Brentano II) - 7.3
- 6 David Leßnig - Rodrigo (by Relius x Dimension) - 7.3
- 9 Marcus Hermes - Abegglen FH (by Ampere x Carabas) - 7.2
- 10 Nadine Plaster - Bellmeier (by Belissimo M x Weltmeyer) - 7.1
- 10 Gina Rosenkranz - Florida Beach (by Flanagan x Prinz Wilhelm) - 7.1
- 12 Marion Wiebusch - Acheron (by Ampere x Fidermark) - 7
- 12 Rebekka Rösler - Sohn der Söhne (by Son of Cologne x Florestan) - 7
- 12 Nadine Plaster - Drip Drop (by Dressage Royal x Rouletto) - 7
- 15 Cathryn Rippelbeck - Der Lichtblick (by Der Designer x Floresco) - 6.9
- 15 Katharina Grunert - Fashion de la Luna (by Fineliner x Rotspon) - 6.9
- 15 Annika Korte - Daimler (by De Niro x Laurentio) - 6.9
- 18 Christina Hammann - Flashmob (by Fürstenball x Sir Donnerhall) - 6.7
- 18 Alexa Engel - Florida E (by Flanagan x Laterano) - 6.7
- 20 David Leßnig - Donatello (by Damon Hill x Newcastle ) - 6.6
- 20 Stefanie Serowy - Feine Dame (by Fürst Piccolo x Rilke) - 6.6
- 20 Claudia Arnold - Flanissimo (by Flanagan x Ferragamo) - 6.6
- 23 Sabine Mevenkamp - Cor de la Luna (by Caprimond x Lauries Crusador xx ) - 6.2
- 23 Petra Rottensteiner - Filia Contenta (by Fidertanz x Sandro Song) - 6.2
- 23 Jeannine Hartmann - Florence PSt (by Filius Bedo x Fürst Piccolo) - 6.2
Related Link
Eurodressage Coverage of the 2015 Bundeschampionate