€102 million in value added for Normandy. This figure was calculated based on the direct, indirect and derived effects of the event from visitors travelling to Normandy specifically for the Games (transport, accommodations, restaurants, leisure, etc.).
An impact study, the most complete ever which takes into consideration the economic, social and environmental effects,, was carried out by research professors from IFCE-INRA. This team has been developing a scientific assessment programme for equestrian events since 2011 based on a method that combines both sport economy and specialised knowledge of the equine sector. Some 2300 surveys were conducted with spectators, officials, athletes, employees, volunteers and Norman residents.
“The economic returns based on the event's budget (€79 m) were excellent. We have exceeded the threshold for breaking even on expenses, particularly in terms of public funding (€42.2 m overall and €4 m for the territorial project). The Organising Committee used existing facilities to reduce budget requirements while investing in long-term projects that would benefit the equine industry, such as improvements made at the Le Pin National Stud,” says Céline Vial, IFCE-INRA researcher.
Those surveyed also placed a monetary value of nearly €45 m on the social scope of the event (a figure that reflects spectators’ and local residents’ satisfaction with such criteria as enjoyment, reputation, appeal, benefits for the sector, etc.). Those attending the Normandy 2014 event gave it a satisfaction rating of 7.8 out of 10.
The International Equestrian Federation has assessed the economic impact of Normandy 2014 at €368 m for France, which is considerably higher than for the 2010 event.
A 15-year territorial project: the Elan des Jeux.
Normandy 2014 was an innovative event for local residents, the equine industry and the region. For the first time in the event’s history, the World Equestrian Games incorporated 18 medium- and long-term development projects. Some of the projects include improvements made at the Le Pin National Stud, the Normandy Business Centre in Saint-Lô with support from the Conseil des Chevaux de Normandie, investments in Hippolia in the Calvados area and a tourist-based boost to the industry in a region hoping to capitalise on the international scope of the Games. The improvements made to the Caen Exhibition Centre and the Vallée de l'Orne will benefit everyone. Over 15 months, 300 cultural, athletic and educational initiatives were held as part of the Elan des Jeux programme in hundreds of equestrian centres, leisure centres and primary schools around the region. Some 4000 children were able to discover horse riding and related activities while 3000 volunteers from Normandy, France and the world were able to join forces to help make the event a success. During the fortnight of the Games, Normandy came together to promote its regional know-how at the Games Village for 230,000 visitors.
Laurent Beauvais, President of the Normandy 2014 Organising Committee and President of the Region of Lower Normandy: “Normandy rose to the challenge of hosting the World Equestrian Games for the first time in France at some of its most emblematic sites. It took the risk of being innovative with a territorial project and has reaped the rewards. The general public - half of which were new to horse riding - welcomed the sport with open arms and wholeheartedly cheered on the participants during all of the events. We achieved our goal of making these Games a shared, accessible and popular event that showcased the best that Normandy has to offer. The public funding provided by local authorities and the state was put to good use. For every euro in funding, the region received €3.6 in return. We are elated to announce that the final budget results show profits between €1 and €1.5 million. Our private sponsors helped us host a high-calibre event worthy of an international competition such as this and were rewarded by international media coverage that exceeded expectations.”
Ingmar De Vos, President of the International Equestrian Federation: “The Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games 2014 in Normandy were a huge success. We saw some absolutely incredible feats of athletic prowess. This major event attracted a record number of athletes, nations and spectators, not just in the stands but watching from home and on smartphones and tablets. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to President Beauvais, Fabien Grobon and the entire Organising Committee for their exceptional efforts. I would also like to thank all of the volunteers for giving their time and for their welcoming attitudes which helped make these Games such a success. As we look to Canada for the next World Equestrian Games, the time has come to say goodbye and thanks to Normandy and France.”
Related Link
Eurodressage Coverage of the 2014 World Equestrian Games