The FEI Dressage Committee held an in person meeting at the 2015 FEI Sports Forum in Lausanne, Switzerland, on 28 - 29 April 2015. Members present were Frank Kemperman, Thomas Baur, Maribel Alonso, Luis Lucio, Hans Christian Matthiesen, Anna Paprocka and Trond Asmyr.
Two invitees joined the meeting to discuss several points: Gaspard Dufour (FEI Head of IT) and Dr. Harald Müller (FEI Director of Education and Standards).
1. Welcome and approval of Full Report and Minutes of last meeting
The Chair opened the meeting and welcomed all to the thirdDC meeting of the year.The internal working report and the minutes from the previous meeting on 9th March 2015 were approved.
The Long list of Judges for the World Cup Final 2016 was to be updated as Ghislain Fouarge had declined and been replaced by Dietrich Plewa.
2. Conclusions from Sports Forum
Olympic Format
Harmonization between the disciplines regarding the numbers of riders per team looked likely for the Olympic format for 2020.This was to be discussed again, and the final decision would be taken at the General Assembly 2016.
Future / Attractiveness of Dressage
No need for a GA decision in this respect. HQ and DC will work on a proposal to present a package and guidelines for O.C ́s, media etc. to implement the proposed ideas
Olympic Agenda
Combining excellence with the requirement for the number of flags –reserve horses were needed if teams of 3. One issue was the possibility of all horses not doing the same number of tests if reserves were used.
The possibility of Organisers to try out different formats was discussed, whether they should be official competitions in the schedule or show classes.Pas de Deux was already included in the dressage rules, and the Top 10 concept was owned by the FEI, and could be proposed for the rules. It was proposed that the Organisers club came up with proposals for the rules.
The rules state max. 40 combinations per day. WEG 2014 had more and an exception was made. The EU-CHs could reach higher numbers also. To be implemented for 2017, a system for a quota had to be established in 2015 and introduced 1.1.2016. Minimum eligibility could be raised, but may not be sufficient on its own. A mixed system would be needed to ensure the number of flags.
It was agreed to wait for the NF survey results on the Olympic format before further discussion.
Stricter penalties for Error of course– this was for the rule changes 2015. Aproposal on the lines of stricter penalty for the 1sterror andelimination for the second one will be made.
Open scoring –This concept caused confusion and was to be defined in the rule changes discussion.
Dress –The DC agreed this should be more open, but this needed to be worded for the rules.Create stars–Important, Communications department in best position for this. There shouldbe more stars than one, and also in more countries, in order to keep the interest of the public.
World etc. records –These were to be introduced, and this was nota rules issue, but rather something for the Communications department. HQ was tocome with a proposal.
Prize money –Minimum prize money for major Championships had been established. All agreed more prize money was needed for the sport.
Further feedback
- Publicity on horses/riders. This was a General Regulation issue.
- Use of ear plugs. Currently not allowed, this was to be looked at, if it encourages applause and good atmosphere and can be seen as positive to the welfare of the horse.
- Update tests more frequently.
- Cut collective marks to shorten time lag between tests.
The DD was to check on the process of the survey with the Secretary General and keep the DC updated. Once results were at hand, the above issues would be discussed again based on the feedback.
3. Championship allocation
a. FEI North America Championships for Young Riders & Juniors 2016 and 2017
The DC unanimously recommended these Championships be allocated to Lexingtonfor both 2016 and 2017.
b. World Cup Final 2018
There is only one combined bid for the 2018 Final, the remarks will be discussed with the Evaluation Commission and the Jumping Committee.
4. Update on Katrina Wüst’s Freestyle system
As the FEI was very close to a final IT contract. It was agreed that if possible coming summer would be used for afirst test event for the Freestyle degree of difficulty system. 3 Judges would use the system as a shadow to the regular.
5. Co-ordination of Multi-discipline Events
The DD reported back from the meeting of the discipline Directors and Technical Committee Chairs of 17th March 2015 regarding multi-disciplinary issues.
Acceptance of different spurs and bits should be coordinated as far as possible, but it had been agreed that a common stance was not possible due to the different nature of the disciplines.
Concerning the per diem for Officials, Dressage had been first to raise it to EUR 120, but the other disciplines were now following.
The format of the draft schedule had been discussed and the DC felt that there should be a pure schedule with only the essential event related information, with the rest of the general information in Annexes.
Decoration of the horse and where to put the limits on this had been discussed, with Dressage being the only discipline to have this in the rules
Regarding protective headgear, the current Dressage rules worked well and did not need to be changed. Repeating the proposal of introducing protective headgear at horse inspections in the rules was discussed, as it had been stopped at the last General Assembly. It could then be submitted with the rule changes again.
There had been a proposal for harmonising the rules using the same structure. However, changing this would have world-wide consequences as many NFs use the same structure. Entries to events should also be harmonised if possible.
Helmet cameras (mainly for Eventing) had also been discussed.
Conclusion: The DC welcomedthe initiative to harmonise more betweenthe different FEI disciplines and recommended having a pure schedule with the event information, and all other information in Annexes.
6. Future Rules for Horse and Athlete Equipment
The DD reported to the DC that there was constantly much discussion and queries about equipment, mostly about permitted bits. There was pressure in the market from manufacturers, riders and fans to permit new equipment.
The process of approval had been decided on in 2014. The test panel needed a clear mandate on how strict to be. The Stewards in their turn needed to know what was permitted or not.
The current Dressage rules mention “acceptance of the bit” as a point for measuring the way the horse is going. The DC discussed the different option. It was generally felt that softer bits could be included, but not bitless bridles, and not riding in snaffles all the way to GP level for now. Some NFs already allow snaffles on GP level and it could also be possible for FEI events in the future.
Conclusion: A Working group consisting of Hans-Christian Matthiesen, Luis Lucio and Anna Campanella was to come with proposals on all options, except bitless bridles and riding in snaffles all the way up to GP level, although this was to be re-evaluated for the future, based on the experiences from the NFs now allowing it.
7. Presentation on Horse Welfare Education in Denmark
The Danish film made to explain the sport had been positively received in Denmark and was so also by the DC. The DD was to check with the DEN NF and both the Education department and Communication department if parts of it could be used by the FEI. The DD was to check with the Legal Department about the use of surveillance cameras at warm-up arenas.
8. Judging
a.Report from 5* Judges Seminar
The DD suggested collecting all proposals for changes of judging systems and information at hand into one document and taking it from there. Mr Stickland could be asked if he has something to add to his new proposal.
There was a question if the draw couldbe shown on FEI TV, which the DD should check if it is possible.
There had been a proposal that all 5* Judges should be Course Directors. The DC felt that it would be preferable to have a more limited list. The list should be checked for those not active any longer and new potential CDs.
Conclusion: The Judge General and the DC should give input to HQ on the list, which was to be reviewed yearly.
The 5* Judges had proposed to change the word “submission” by “willing cooperation”. This was an issue for the rule changes.
The DD asked IDOC and AIDEO to come with a proposal for reviewing the Sit In and Shadow Judgingarrangements.
It was also discussed how riders should approach the judges at events, and was agreed not to make any changes. Mutual respect from judges and riders was needed and this was mostly the case.
b.Code of Points
A draft Code of Points document had been received from the IDRC. Apparently, the full system was now ready, and the Chair proposed to wait until this final version was received and work on this. Once received, a small working group (Maribel Alonso and Hans Christian Matthiesen) would begin to work on it.
c. E-learning
Dr Harald Müller attended the meeting for this point to give an update on the FEI education in Dressage. Dr Müller and the DD were in charge of education (education concept, courses, seminars, exams etc.).
One important project which is in discussion since 2012 is the conversion of the Dressage Handbook into a Video Handbook. It was stressed that such a tool would fulfil two functions: a) a calibration in judging and b) to be used as reference in judging discussions.
Dr Müller offered to conceptualise the Video-Handbook production and outline the pedagogical design.
It then has to be decided what to take and what mark is reflected by each movement. It was a reoccurring discussion how to proceed with this. The DD pointed out that if existing videos are used, they have already been judged and the movements have a mark. Dr Müller had also been in contact with the Trainers club, as they wished to be involved. The involvement of any other party than FEI Judges needs to be decided.
In order to proceed Dr Müller needs help with all Dressage technical issues. Someone with the time and experience, based in Europe, was needed.
Conclusion:The video handbook project could be kicked off quickly.
d. JSP proposals regarding their tasks
As the DC had decided that they wanted to keep the tasks of the JSP unchanged (technical and counting mistakes only) and the 5* Judges that were to be consulted agreed, there would be no change.
Conclusion: The JSP tasks would remain unchanged as per DC and 5* Judges’ recommendation. The DD would take up issues from the 2015 World Cup Final with the JSP in their annual conference call.
e. Pilot Project Freestyle
Katrina Wüst had made a presentation at the 5* Judges Seminarregarding changing some guidelines for the Freestyle as these were not logical.
Conclusion: The DD would ask the Judge General for a draft guideline, and send this to the Stakeholder clubs for information and feedback. Once agreed on, the judges needed some time to learn it, so it could be adapted from e.g. 1.1.2016.
9. Dressage Rule Changes for 2016
The DD reminded of the timeline for the rule change process. All input from the DC to HQ was to be sent in by 15th May 2015. A conference call was scheduled for the end of May (27th) to discussthe final proposal. This had to be ready by mid-June and then published for the NFs and Stakeholders 1.7.2015, after which they had 6weeks to come with their feedback, which was collected in a template, for the DC to discuss and decide on the final proposal. This had to go out 4 weeks before the GA, but needed to be ready well in advance of this.
-Second horse inspection at CHs/Games
The DC discussed whether a second horse inspection should be reinstalled at the main Championships. It was decided that if any Stakeholder group/NF proposed it, it should be discussed again.
10.World Cup rules 2015/16
General World Cup rules
The DD and DC went through the changes proposed to the general World Cup rules. The draw for the GP at the 2015 Final had been made according to the World Ranking List (WRL). The intention of the DC had been that it should be according to the World Cup Standings, and this had now been changed. The 4 extra starting places were allocated according to the WRL and distributed between the groups.
Art 1.12 was amended to read “In case of date clashes, CDI-W qualifiers will prevail over CDIs4* and above in the same league. No other CDIs5* and above are allowed on the same dates as the World Cup Final.” This was also to be amended in the ClashRules document.
Art 9.2 was to read 60%.
Travel costs for horses and athletes were covered in the agreements rather than in the rules.
Conclusion: The rules were recommended by the DC and could be sent to the FEI Bureau for their approval.
Timing for last qualifier: If the Final is on the same continent, at least 2 weeks before. If a flight is needed, at least 3 weeks before.
Pacific League (PAL) rules
There were no proposal for change, except updating the dates.
The DD would like to have the PAL qualification period synchronised with the World Cup Final, in order not to have a qualifier for the season after before the current Final.
North American League (NAL) rules
Preamble point 2 –to be removed as declaring isno longer relevant.
The NFs (USA, CAN, and MEX) in the North American League Committee had unanimously wanted to continue with using percentage and have 2 results counting, opposing the DC decision to change to using points.The North American League Committee had submitted a document to the DC with the arguments.
Having only 2 results counting was not favourable to the organisers and also did not encourage growth of the sport. However, it was agreed to leave the conditions as they were for 2015/16, but a wider discussion around the subject was proposed. The Chair of the Organisers club was to contact the members in North America and organise a discussion between the three NFs.
Conclusion: The NAL rules for 2015/16 were approved (percentage and 2 resultscounting). Thomas Baur was to make a draft paper for general discussion on the World Cup for the DC autumn in-person meeting.
11. Stewarding –Report from Steward General about possible needs for changes
Jacques van Daele had provided the DC with a reporton the Stewarding situation in general.
The goal for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio was to have 10 Stewards from the region and 10 more experienced ones from further afield.
Regarding per diem for Stewards, this was not specified in the rules. The EUR 120 for the judges stemmed from an agreement between IDOC and AIDEO, where only judges were discussed. The sport depending on volunteers was a big issue and money was always and issue for the organisers.
Conclusion: The DD was to look further into this.
12. Stewards at CDIs (number, level)
A rule introduced a couple of years ago and implemented from 1.1.2015, stating that also all Assistant Stewards should be on the FEI list, had caused difficulties for many organisers. As an exception had been made for Jumping, and smaller disciplines were not able to fulfil the criteria, Dressage has been asked for this opinion as well. According to the current rules, for a CDI the Chief Steward has to be an FEI Steward, and the min. 3 Assistant Stewards as well. The DD wanted the DC’s feedback on how to adapt the rule.
The number of Stewards needed to be more flexible, depending on the number of arenas and riders. The OC should best know the number needed. The DD proposed to be flexible on the requirement that all Assistant Stewards should be FEI listed. Jacques van Daele’s opinion on how to determine the number of Stewards should be asked for.
Conclusion: The DC recommended that the number of Stewards needed at events should be more flexible and determined with the OC. The requirement of the Assistant Stewards being FEI should also be given some flexibility in line with Jumping.
13. AOB
-WB YH for 7 years old horses
The NED NF had proposed to include 7-year old horses as a new category in addition to the 5 and 6-year olds. Both Jumping and Eventing had this category also. The Small Tour tests would be correct for this age group according to the Training scale.
The DD was still waiting for feedback from the World Breeding Federation regarding the 5 and 6 year old horses’tests.
Decision: The DC was in favour of adding this category. This was a Bureau decision as it was to be part of a CH.
Please see point 8d.
-FEI TV Las Vegas broadcasting/online streaming and evaluation
It was generally felt that the broadcasting of the World Cup Final could have been done better.In the Freestyle, the image froze several times, and the final results were on the screen for a very short timeon FEI TV. Only 6 marks were shown on the screen for the GP.
Conclusion: The DD was to inform FEI TV, and also follow up regarding a library for FEI TV.
- Championships still open without bids
According to the table published on the FEI website, for 2016 there were so far no bids for the Balkan CH, Central AsiaCH and EU-CH-P. For 2017, there were no bids for EU-CH-Y/J/Ch, EU-CH-P, Balkan CH and Central AsiaCH(Note –this CH is usually held inodd years only).
If closer to the deadline there were still no bids, the Chair and DD would need to contact people and possibly also the EEF for the European based CHs. The DD would discuss with Jumping and Eventing Directors regarding the Pony EU-CHs.
-U25 EU-CH
Maribel Alonso to provide numbers of possible U25 teams in good time before the next conference call, to discuss the matter then and possible prepare a proposal for the FEI Bureau.
- Stable security for CDIs in North America
Remarks were made about thestable security at N. A. events. The DD had not received anything so far, but was aware that the change in the rules regarding stable security might cause difficult situations.
14.Next Meeting
The next conference call was scheduled for the 27th May at 18h CH time, to discuss the DC input to the rule changing process.
A second conference call was scheduled for Mon 29thJune at 18h CH time.
The autumn in-person meeting was to be on the 8-9th or 9-10th, and could be from noon the first day to the end of the afternoon of the second day.
Photo © Astrid Appels
Related Links
Laura Tomlinson-Bechtolsheimer: FEI's Future of Dressage, Changes for the Better?
Minutes of the FEI Stakeholders Meeting on the Future of Dressage
Future of Dressage to be Discussed at 2015 FEI Sports Forum
FEI Stakeholders Meeting in Brussels Discusses Future of Dressage