The Hanoverian society held its second auction of Hanoverian dressage and show jumping horses in Teheran, Iran on 13 June 2015. While the society did not disclose the selling prices of the horses, nor the names of the horses auctioned, it did boast about the average price of 56,000 euro.
Eighteen horses in total were shipped to Teheran, of which 6 were dressage bred and 12 show jumping bred. Six hundred people attended the auction, which had its Iran premier in December 2014.
The auction included a show jumping competition format exlcusive for Hanoverian bred horses and some auction candidates participated in it. Two classes were held. The winner of the first round was the auction horse Stan JY (by Stakkato x Sacramento), the winner of the second round was Sheragim Habbibi on the already imported Don Oskar (by Drosselklang x Erbherzog).
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First Hanoverian Auction Held in Iran Huge Success