Adelinde Cornelissen has withdrawn her top horse, the 18-year old Dutch warmblood Parzival, from the 2015 Dutch Dresage Championships and is now most likely out of Dutch team contention for the 2015 European Championships.
The 2015 Dutch Dressage Championships in Ermelo, The Netherlands, take place on 17 - 19 July 2015 and are the final Dutch team selection trial for the 2015 European Championships in Aachen, Germany, in August. All of The Netherlands' A-team riders are competing their entire string of available horses there and Cornelissen had entered Parzival to compete there.
Before the kick-off of the Grand Prix on Friday, Cornelissen withdrew her horse with the message that he was "not fit to compete."
Cornelissen has been Holland's number one Grand Prix rider since the sale of Totilas in 2010 but the long legged chestnut gelding has been struggling with injury and health problems since 2012. This year he only competed at the 2015 CDIO Rotterdam in June and was withdrawn after the Grand Prix.
Dutch team rider Danielle Heijkoop announced after the Dutch Championship Grand Prix that she will not be competing Siro in the Kur to Music on Sunday as her horse was not entirely fit either. In the Grand Prix the pair scored 72.500%, far below their usual average Siro recently recovered from a fractured splint bone, an injury he sustained in March 2015.
Photo © Astrid Appels
Related Links
Scores 2015 Dutch Dressage Championships
Cornelissen Withdraws Parzival from 2015 CDIO Rotterdam
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