FEI Dressage Committee Minutes of 29 June 2015

Wed, 07/29/2015 - 20:08
FEI Dressage News

The FEI Dressage Committee held a meeting via conference call on 29 June 2015 with all committee members attending (Baur, Alonso, Matthiesen, Campanella, Asmyr), except for Luis Lucio who was excused as he was officiating at the 2015 European Junior/Young Riders Championships.

Asmyr (DD) gave an update on matters discussed at the previous meeting. Regarding prize money, a new proposal would be sent to the DC in the near future, and with the new later deadline for the rule changes, it could be added to these. The DD reminded that the DC had approved the draft for the Equipment working group, and the group was to make a final version of it. Concerning the official records, the DD aimed for them to be ready for the upcoming European Championships to be used in an active way there.

U25 Championships from 2016

The DD was happy to inform that the FEI Bureau had approved European Championships for the U25 category from 2016. The General Regulations were to be update to include this.

The DC discussed the strategy for these Championships, whether to combine them with the Y/J/Ch or Seniors Championships, with other CDIs/CDIOs or have them as stand-alone.

Conclusion: The DC recommended to combine the EU-CH-U25 with a CDI or CDIO of 4* or higher level. The DD was to pursue the matter and the DC then evaluate the bids received. The Championships could be implemented from 2016.

7-year old YH CH category from 2016

The DD informed that the YH 7-year old category had been approved by the FEI Bureau to be part of the CH-M-YH-D. It would be integrated with the Championships for 5 and 6-year olds, and the NED NF had already confirmed that they could implement this from 2016.

Conclusion: The YH 7-year old category was to follow the same format as the 5/6-year olds. The DD was to ask the relevant Stakeholders for feedback regarding the tests to use, and make a proposal for the DC based on this.

Future tests for 5- and 6-year olds

The DD informed that there was negative feedback regarding the implementation of a free floor plan. There had been input from the Breeders’ Federation to instead revise the Collective marks, revising the “Submissiveness” mark and introducing a new additional mark “Perspective”. The DC was positive and agreed to this modification.

Conclusion: The DC approved the proposed modification to the 5/6-yr YH test collective marks (modify “Submissiveness” and add a fifth mark for “Perspective”). The test sheets were to be updated accordingly from 1.1.2016.

New DC member application

The DC discussed the matter, which was confidential until 16th October 2015.

Olympics 2016 – Appointment of JSP

The Chair updated the DC on the upcoming Rio test event in August. This would be a small event with only Brazilian horses. The test event, which was to be the same as in London, will be organized as a full CCI with all three disciplines. For Dressage, the main issue was the footing.
The composition of the JSP at the 2016 Olympic Games was discussed, and the DC agreed on the appointments. Names to be confirmed once the persons appointed have confirmed.

Future of Dressage

The DD was pleased to inform the DC that Federico Padrón had agreed to take on the work of coordinating work out the Future of Dressage project based on the DC proposals and Repucom survey, to increase the attractiveness of Dressage. The time frame was two months from now. The NF questionnaire currently out (deadline 30.6.2015) would also provide information. The report from this questionnaire and from Federico Padrón would be a main item for the DC autumn in-person meeting.

Freestyle – judging of Degree of Difficulty

The DD reported from CDI Fritzens (AUT) where the new system for judging the Degree of Difficulty of the Freestyle had been tested on the 28th June 2015. Overall, this had been a very positive experience. To be further discussed and developed.


WEL World Cup bids

The Dressage Department had received the bids for the 2016/17 and 2017/18 seasons. To be discussed in the DC without any persons with a potential conflict of interest present.

World Cup Final Las Vegas

The DD informed that there were no further news currently, but time still remained before the
deadline for them to revert to the FEI.

Draw for Championship Judges

The DD informed that the draw for the Judges for the 2016 World Cup Final would be conducted at the same time as the draw for the 2016 Olympic Games Judges, at the EU-CHs in Aachen, and hopefully be broadcast on FEI TV.

JSP Annual Conference Call

The Chair, DD, Maribel Alonso and Stephen Clarke had had a conference call with the JSP. Based on this, minor changes in the job description would be proposed. Corrections would be kept to technical mistakes and counting errors.

Photo © Astrid Appels

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